Fic: Writer's Choice, Fun

Jan 26, 2009 17:04

Title: Fun
Word Count: 100
Word Prompt:#100, Writer’s Choice, Fun
Rating: PG
Summary: Craig buys his guitar and has a little fun.
Author’s Note:

Craig still wasn’t sure about using his dad’s money. Ashley’s words about “how much fun you can have” kept ringing like bells in his head.

In the music store, Craig felt like he was in church. Holding the 69 Stratocaster in his hands Craig knew his future was now a possibility.

It was no longer a dream. Ash looked like he was, drooling over it. So many songs to write with this baby.

Turning to Ash with a grin, “I’ll take it. My dad would hate it.”

“Perfect!” Ashley agreed. “Think of all the songs you can write with that.”

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