Oneshot challenge for ouran contest #7 "Chocolate Sauce" - Delightful Confections

Jan 20, 2007 11:02

Title: Delightful Confections
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Pairings: Haruhi/Hunny
Warnings: Just a Kiss
Word Count: 760 words
Summary: Its Haruhi's birthday and Hunny presents his present.

Delightful Confections


They stared blankly at the brown syrupy puddle littering the marble tiled floor.

Nobody spoke for awhile until Haruhi said. "Shall we make a new one?"

Hunny didn't reply.

"It wouldn't be that hard you know, just melting chocolate...adding a few sugars and creams..." She forced a chuckle - hoping - trying - willing to break the awkward atmosphere.

Hunny bowed his head, darkening eyes hidden behind silky bangs of gold.

"But I promised Haru-chan a delicious cake and now its ruined because of me."

Haruhi shook her head and laid a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it in what she hoped was comfort.

"Please don't let it bother you too much senpai. Like I said we could always make a new one."

It was Haruhi's birthday and Hunny had approached her a week before the event. He had said that he wanted to come over her house and help her in baking the cake. Now normally she would've said no, saying that it wasn't really necessary but as she found herself subjected to Hunny's silently beseeching amber eyes - as though he were very afraid that she would deny his request - Haruhi finally acquised and wearily answered a, "Hai..."

Seven days, nine hours, eleven minutes and Hunny's slippery hand dropping the bowl full of warm chocolate later; they found themselves staring at the puddle of cinammon colored sauce, chocolate splattering everywhere in Haruhi's - not so quite - spic and span kitchen, with the oven dinging cooked in the background.

Hunny's shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Demo Haru-chan, if we make a new another one we can't make it in time for the party. Tama-chan would be angry and he'd probably insist we buy the cake instead of making it." He turned distressed eyes to Haruhi. "Did I ruin Haru-chan's birthday?"

Haruhi shook her head with a fond smile. Leaning down, she reached out to flick his forehead playfully. "Daijobu senpai. Its just a cake and it is after all, the thought that counts ne?" She smiled warmly. "This is the best present I've recieved so far. I had fun baking cake with you."

Hunny's cheeks flared into a blush at her words and smile. Ducking his head and breathing in deeply, he tried to will his ramapaging emotions enough to be able go through with his plans.

"Present?" He asked, voice a tad lower than what Haruhi was used to.

"Who ever told you this was my present?"

Haruhi blinked but nonetheless kept a loose hold on his shoulder.

Was it her or did Hunny sound a little bit strange? She suppressed a shiver. It was shameful how goosebumps started crawl up her arms at the voice. She inwardly sighed. What was wrong with her? "Oh, uhm...I just assumed that since Hunny-senpai volunteered into baking a cake..."

Hunny chuckled lowly. Eyes gleaming in mischief as he glanced up and met her surprised stare. He grinned, slightly apologetic for what he was about to do. Already he could feel the discomfiture and confusion roiling off of her in waves.

"Haru-chan...Haru-chan is always kind ne? She deserves so much more than a ruined cake."

He reached up, ghosting a caress from her chin to her bangs and brushed a strand to her ear. Faces close enough that he could feel soft breaths being puffed in his nose, he murmured. "Haru-chan gomen ne..."

He leaned forward, two hands cupping her face - pulling her towards him and bridging the gap between them with a soft kiss.

Haruhi was stunned to stillness.

Biting her lower lip and tugging on it gently, Hunny coaxed her to reply - smiling in her mouth and inwardly rejoicing when she finally did. Tongues dancing, hands stroking fondly - tentatively brushing, they broke off for air; chest heaving and stared at each other in awe, wonder and stupefaction.

"What..." Haruhi slowly began, eyes blinking furiously and pulling herself out of her daze. "What just..."

Hunny's mouth broke out into a wide smile.

"Haru-chan tastes sweeter than strawberry and chocolates."

He laughed, very endeared and ultimately charmed at her fiery blush.

Dipping his head, he buried himself to her chest and inhaled her scent. Exhaling a blissful sigh, content to be here and wondering if this really happened, he softly murmured. "Haru-chan no kawaii..."

He buried deeper. He wondered how long it would take for Tamaki and the others to find them.

"Happy Birthday Haruhi."

Confused, embarrased and bewildered at the strange warmness in her belly - Haruhi could do nothing but blush, stammer and reply. "A-arigato Hunny-senpai."

ouran challenge, drabbles

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