Title: For You
Part: 6
February 25, 2012
Dear You,
How are you? I’m fine, in case if you are wondering. My cold has magically disappeared after I went over to your place to deliver my previous letter. I don’t know how you do it but somehow you are magical. Every time I see you, sparks ignite within me and I always feel like I’m watching fireworks that I can’t take my eyes off. I know it doesn’t make sense but that is how you make me feel.
My week has been interesting. Pretty Boy introduced me to his close friend whom I should dub as Bottomless Pit. Seriously, I have never met a person who can eat so much in a day without getting full and I wonder how he stayed skinny. I met him when I was with Pretty Boy at a café. He was a schoolmate of yours and Pretty Boy invited him to join us. I can’t believe how much food he ordered and still kept on ordering. He has no shame but I find him charming, in a cute way and don’t worry, I still like you. I can’t believe how smart and snarky he can be and I find it amusing that Pretty boy and Bottomless Pit are always bickering and teasing nonstop. It is quite refreshing to see Pretty Boy defeated because he can be cocky sometimes. It was even funnier that Tall Man chose not to help Pretty Boy at all and I even refused to help him. Serves him right for being cocky, in a good way.
Just in case you are wondering how I managed to send letters to you, I didn’t stalk you at all. You already know that I saw you at the park the first time. How I knew where you lived, I was just lucky. I was on my way home when I saw you walking with your brother and you went inside a house. I concluded that it was where you live. It’s a nice house by the way. I am letting you know this because I wanted to be honest. I hoped I didn’t freak you out. And once again, let me know if you are starting to get tired of me and I’ll be glad to stay away.
My brother’s birthday is coming soon and I still don’t have an idea what to give him. I thought of giving him cash but I think he would prefer a present instead of cash. I know because this is how I felt over my birthday. I wanted to receive a present on my birthday because it felt more thoughtful than receiving cash. My mom gave me cash and I kind of felt disappointed. I didn’t want my brother to feel that way so I am having a hard time finding something that he might like. I wonder when is your birthday…mine is somewhere midyear.
Pretty Boy, Tall Man and Bottomless Pit are here in my apartment at the moment. They have no shame at all but I am not heartless to kick them out. They make great company and sometimes I wish you could join us. I will have to stop writing at the moment because Bottomless Pit is starting to raid my fridge and I need to stop him or else I won’t have any food left to feed myself. Seriously, is he even human?
Take care always okay? =)
From, Me.
And it is Bottomless Pit! Only one managed to guess it right but most of you were able to associate it with food so it was still close =)
Thank you for reading!