I have new books, soup, and a didgeridoo. My life is complete.
Also, have now experienced my first week of classes. The line-up goes:
Japanese: Which I will love until the the end of time, and is not really an issue.
Women's Studies: Aside from the teacher being very different from what I was expecting (I foten have very prejudiced teacher ideas), it looks to be a fun class. We analyzed Barbie, Lara Croft, and Xena dolls on Friday. Additionally, we were assigned to read Bridget Jones's Diary, which did not make me want to die as much as I thought it would.
Chinese: Verrrry different from Japanese, and I'm still getting into the whole tone thing, but I enjoy it as a whole. The teacher is amusing.
Astronomy and Our Position in the Universe (or something): My big honors course this year. We have about ten people in it, and the professor looks exactly the way you would picture a doddering mad scientist to look, with the caterpillar eyebrows and the insane mop of hair waiting to attack you. It's a little slow on occasion, but for the most part I absolutely love it. Also, we get to read up on dark matter. There are hearts.
Jujitsu: Obviously, different from karate, but a lot of the rituals are the same, and it's nice to have some recreational-discipline-type classes in my life again.
Now I just have to get myself a job.
Lastly, everyone should go check out
kiwi28, because she has completely gorgeous icons, many from fnadoms I believe most of us have in common (LotR, Harry Potter, NARNIA). Not as big on the humor, but still. Ther is nothing on there that is not amazingly well-done. So.