Woo! More Mocks!

Feb 08, 2006 21:54

Monday: French and English Paper Two. Ooooh I did so bad in French...serious chance I have failed...Ah well! We all knew it was going to happen! The English was NOT fun. You get such a headache sitting there for hours trying to remember why you're meant to care about the underlying themes of Shakespeare and how Harper Lee shows HATRED. Dun dun duuuuuunnnnn! Oh wait: I don't care.

Tuesday: MATHS!!! Oh no! It was paper two and as I can barely-by-the-skin-of-my-teeth do paper one, I know I did really sucky and have probably completely and utterly failed Maths. Great

Wednesday: English! Again! Ah it was only Paper One and was pretty easy. I used an essay I'd already written instead of bothering to make up another.

Ok! Just CSPE and Science left!

I went to town with Sarah at lunch cos our exams where over for the day(Woop!). It was class craic! Got a couple of people to stalk and everything! Including(drum roll please) HOT GUY!! I nearly fainted when I saw him! I nearly fainted again when he disappeared at the exact time Mavis appeared...weird, like, totally dood. Also I think we scared Eric very much with our version of My Humps in Easons. :o
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