Cheap stuff and entertainment!

Sep 17, 2006 01:18

We saw The Pietasters last night for free. The stage had more beer on it then I can remember. They are the most fun amazing shit faced guys I have ever seen sing, skank and talk on stage. It rocked seeing one of my favorite old bands at a show that was 21 and over. Everyone danced around together or alone, weeeee..

I am in Allentown again. Tonight was interesting. I watched some live wrestling, and at intermission bought pink shoelaces for my black chucks, a pink bandana, and these 80's flip flops the ones that are black but the straps are red or blue and along the side has strips. I wore these when I was like 10 and the one stand was selling them for $2.00. Rock on!

My friend Dustin's dad passsed away last night from a heart attack. He was only in his 50's.
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