It's finalized, my senior thesis exhibition is week of Febuary 19-23, 2007. That's right, I have FOUR weeks to pull a show out of nowhere and make it the best thing since sliced bread. Some ideas are roaming around in my head as far as gallery set up (that is the tough part currently) however, if everything goes as well as my invitation has this evening then I will be one happy camper. So yes, there will be more details to come, however, if you feel like driving out here to Carrollton during that week (be it for the opening night or the regular gallery hours) feel free to do so and sign the guest book.
Consider this your invitation:
Closing Reception: Febuary 23rd
Time: 5:00-7:00pm
Place: UWG Campus, Humanities Building, 2nd Floor Gallery
Let me know if you'll stop by, even if it's not during the closing reception! After this show I'm going to have some welcomed down-time of not much to do so I'll see if I can't get more active. It's not a promise, but it's a try (that's the best anyone gets out of me these days x_x) Also, please ignore the tweaking of the invitation, get your eyes checked if you start seeing different images. I've never change anything I do, everything that I do is crap perfect and is never updated or altered.
Now back to your regularly scheduled dulldroms.