Darnit, I told myself I wasn't gonna draw anything before I reviewed it...but damn if my competitive streak doesn't get to me in the weirdest ways. XD I will review it, I just wanted to doodle some. Hopefully Carmine will not hurt me! x_x
These are no comparisons to Technical Difficulty's piece, but I I like what I did (dare I say, I had better). If you haven't seen their piece it's
here. Anyway, I'd say these pieces are inspired by, but no way fit in with the story
Southern Gothic by Carmine LaCroix. ;)
If anyone would like to try their hand at coloring the one of the head, let me know. I've got line work I'm willing to pass out (100 dpi) given the normal courtesies. ^_~
Anyway, I blame the inaccuracies on the fact that I drew these while at work and did not feel like going and correct them. Sorry, I must be getting lazy in my old age *pulls up pants and shakes cane*