"Change, it turns out, wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. Having campaigned for the past year as the agent of transformation, the man who would lead an historic shift in America's political direction, Barack Obama is discovering that there is quite a lot he likes about the way things are.
Since securing the Democratic nomination a few weeks ago, the only change coming from the Illinois senator has been in what he seems to stand for. Last month he dropped his opposition to a Bill before Congress that would give telecoms companies immunity from prosecution for carrying out illegal wiretaps on potential terrorist suspects.
He told a cheering crowd of Israel's supporters of his fervent commitment to the security of the Jewish state and added, for good measure, that an “undivided” Jerusalem should be the nation's capital. He said that he likes free trade after all, and that his primary campaign pledge to dismantle the North American Free Trade Agreement was a case of “overheated rhetoric”.
Last week he expressed support for a Supreme Court decision that struck down a ban on handguns and opposition to another that outlawed the death penalty for rape of a child.
This week he promised to expand President Bush's faith-based organisations initiative, a programme that channels funds to religious groups so that they can deliver social welfare services, which the Left regards as a heinous blurring of Church-State separation.
If next week he named Dick Cheney as his running-mate and revealed that he spends his spare time drilling for oil in wildlife habitats, the only surprise would be that it took him so long."
"Left-wing commentators have raised the usual cry of betrayal. Arianna Huffington, that rare creature, a young conservative who moved sharply left in middle age, dubbed Mr Obama's move not realpolitik, but “realstupidpolitik”.
Conservatives, meanwhile, led by John McCain's Republican campaign, say that the presumptive Democratic nominee's pivot shows that, for all his talk of offering a new kind of politics, he is really just another cynical politician who will say anything to get elected."
SOURCE I couldn't agree more with what I've posted above...and then the rest of the article goes on to praise Obama as using a good strategy. What he's doing isn't a good strategy...it's pandering, manipulating and flat-out lying - in other words, politics as usual...and just FYI, folks, politics as usual is NOT "change we can believe in"...just in case anyone is wondering what happened to all of that. The primary is over and so is all that "hope" you were so looking forward to. Your poorly appointed messiah is showing his true colors...and it isn't pretty.
Also, interestingly enough, this strategy also isn't working...at least not amongst the base which he so desperately needs if he wants to stand a chance of winning in November. In the past month the number of Clinton supporters saying they planned on voting for Obama
DROPPED from 60% to 54%. That may not be huge at this point in the game, but while I weep for liberal America, things like this tend to put a slightly evil smile on my devious little face.