Batman feels

Jul 21, 2012 18:45

I loved it very, very much. Let's start there.

Were there flaws? Yes. The pacing was off a lot, there were a lot of issues with the politics of the narrative. To have Bane explicitly using Occupy Wallstreet lingo was kind of... off putting? Because I don't think that the Occupiers are necessarily "let's put the rich on TRIAL AND THEN KILL THEM ALL".

But, getting back to what I loved, I adored Hathaway as Catwoman. She hit all the notes - the chameleonesque quality, the competence, the fighting abilities and also the moral gray area that Catwoman occupies both as a love interest for Batman and also as a character in general. Everything, from initially turning him over to Bane, to running away after seeing him murdered, to deciding to help Batman, ALL OF IT WAS WIN.

I also really, really loved the ending. In the comics Bruce is never going to retire (permanently), he's never going to be not-Batman (permanently), but it totally made sense to me that here he would, in this universe he'd reached his breaking point and he was going to run off into the sunset and live happily ever after with Selina Kyle. (Especially because I think she was the only one with money in their relationship, although now that I think about it, I'm sure Wayne had offshore accounts).

ALL THE LOVE. Fabulous ending, good feelings all around, yay!

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