Yesterday, after a sheer amount of drama and bureaucracy that I still cannot believe, I finally got my visa to teach in Colombia. Yay!
A friend and I had to distract ourselves for an hour and a half while getting it, because far be it for any bureaucracy to move faster than molasses going uphill in winter. We played Hollywood 6 degrees of separation. Out loud. Without a computer, iPhone or access to imdb.
For those of you who haven't had to stand waiting with another filmophile (is that a word? What do you call people like me and my friend who have seen/heard of a shit ton of movies?) it's where you name two actors and then try to connect them. For example, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Dame Judi Dench.
Without using imdb, you say, Maggie Gyllenhaal was in Dark Knight with Morgan Freeman who was in Invictus with Matt Damon who was in Dogma with Allan Rickman who was in Love Actually with Kiera Knightly who was in Pride and Prejudice with Judi Dench.
(If you think you can resist imdb reply with "hit me" and I'll give you two actors)
And now I come to the advice request.
Has anyone lived abroad for a significant amount of time? What would you suggest bringing? What was something you wished you'd brought? Or something you were really grateful that you did bring?