May 16, 2004 04:37
Damn Samantha Cain, she is a complete hellbitch!
we were coming out of history of magic and i accidently trod on her foot so we got in a huge fight and she did a sneezing hex that went wrong typical and hexed my nose onto my bum, so i engorgio'd her butt so it was huge, it was pretty funny! then we had a screaming match she said stuff about meeting her parents etc, i dont' know whats going on, i wish she'd just talk to me rather than acting like such a prat going on about death eater stuff like how muggles are so awful and muggleborns are third class citizens. what happened to her over the holidays?
i don't know i feel awful, i hate fighting with her, she was my best friend but now she just says the most awful things. i don't know what to do. my nose still hurts after Madame Pomfrey corrected it. i spoke to Lavender and she things i should just go to bed, she's right, its been a long day.
Oh Ronald, i need to talk to you