i saw star wars ep. 3 on monday and it was awesome. hayden c. is soooooo flippen hot! im still having a lame summer though. i went to church last night and hung out w/ corrina. note to corrina: im NOT beautiful and talented. im plain and boring.
ug, i have a headache, but i think ill update im with the band. being as i havent for a million years. ok more like 2 weeks but it seems like longer. if you are as bored as i am... i want you to read these stories:
http://www.gcfanfics.com/viewstory.php?sid=12745 http://www.gcfanfics.com/viewuser.php?uid=1245 (read all these stories on this one, heh-heh- =*)
well im still super bored and in need of updating my fic soooooo, ill let you go.