meaningless sex

Apr 23, 2004 23:05

"I just got laid! I just got laid!"

These are the words just screamed through my room by my roommate, who obviously, has just gotten laid. By whom? The man of the night, the guy who calls her when he is drunk and horny at anytime he pleases so he can get a little booty. Why would any self respecting girl put herself through that? Because she is horny. Add a little insecurity and a lack of confidence and you get a girl willing to put aside whatever she is doing and hop into some decently attractive males car and give him what he wants which may not always be what she wants.

You might be thinking this is ridiculous, but having similar experiences of my own I understand her plight and still have respect for her, because under her charade of high self esteem and self respect there is a woman who needs to feel attractive and wanted and sometimes the only way to get this is to fuck a cute guy in a parking lot.

Is this always the case? Are women constantly trying to feel attractive and wanted? Hell no! We learn from our mistakes, some of us have more than others but thats what makes us stronger. Being a retired slut myself, I now see the importance in looking to myself for confidence and self esteem rather than some random hottie I meet at a party. Also I have learned the consequences of being permiscuos (sorry if that is spelled wrong) nothing too serious but serious enough to make me stop and take a look at what I was doing. I have to admit I love sex! But now I'd rather share it with someone I know and care about because I have trust with them and I can feel safe with what I'm doing.

Personally I'm going crazy because the guy I'm smitten with is 4 hours away and I've had to adjust with not seeing him or sexing him up for weeks at a time. But I am overcoming this obstacle and I will keep anyone who might start reading me posted on that situation because it is exciting to say the least. But as late night turns to ealry morning and I am still wide eyed and bushy tailed I think I shall end this rant and take a long relaxing bath, since I got a whole bath kit for x-mas (woo-hoo!) So farewell and adieu!

<3 Dora
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