Songs written my sophmore year in college

Sep 14, 2004 00:21

I write songs which is weird since I can't sing or play any musical instruments well (though I am trying to fix that) but they are pretty lame but this is the kind of stuff you are supposed to post in your journal so here they are.......some are unfinished but what the hell


You use to be in my class
and I used to be in yours
I think we both sorta noticed

You kept your distance and to yourself
sitting far back in the corner
you were silent and always quick to leave

so we met again
a few months later
and I broke the silence
that bounded us all that time

You told me I was the most beautiful girl at the beach
I was cute, hot and sexy
So if i was all these things to you
then can you tell me why the hell you left me

You invited me over
during poker night with the boys
it was so intense, haha

You told me if you won
you'd take me to dinner
well I guess since we're over
I'll be waiting indefinitely

I gave all that I could
even more than I ever imagined
man now I wish I hadn't

You use to look at me like I was the most beautiful girl at the beach
You use to call me cute, hot and sexy
so if I was all these things to you
then can you tell me why the hell you left me

You made me feel like I was the most beautiful girl at the beach
You made me feel cute, hot and sexy
You made me feel like I was really all these things to you
so then can you tell me why the hell you left me

why the hell have you left me?

You've stopped calling
leaving me to wonder
if I'll ever see you again

it's hard since seeing you
became a habit
I'm now forced to quit

So I guess I'm no longer the most beautiful girl at the beach
I'm no longer cute, hot and sexy
so since I'm no longer all these things to you
then I guess it makes sense that you left me


You made me think
you were interested
in things I said and did

you made me think
you wanted to be
more than just friends

but now i can see
you were never really
worth it

you weren't worth
my time
the air I breathed
or the tears i cried

you weren't worth
the pain
this awful hurt
and this dead feeling inside

cause you made me think
that what we had
was more than just sex

and you made me think
even after it was over
we were still gonna have a friendship

so i guess to you
i was never really
worth it

i wasn't worth
your precious time
your needed space
your intimacy

i wasn't worth
that look you gave
that little smirk
and your warm tight embrace

you made me think i didn't deserve you
but now i realize
its you that doesn't deserve me


You were someone to laugh with
you were someone to joke around with
But now, now I am crying

You were someone to vent with
You were someone I could talk to for days
But now, now I am silent

Without you
I feel I am wrong
Without you
I am not myself
because you robbed me of me
and took away my dignity
so now its your turn to say
I'm sorry

You were someone to make me feel safe
you were someone protecting me in your embrace
But now, now I am scared

You were someone to kiss me
You were someone that made love to me
But now, now I am lonely

Without you
I feel I am wrong
Without you
I feel I am not myself
because you robbed me of me
and took away my dignity
so now its your turn to say
I'm sorry


Sitting in my class
playing with my hair

wishing you were here
wishing i was there

boring idle time
twiddling my thumbs

thinking of your sex
hoping i'll get some

I just can't wait to take you home with
I just can't wait to get your hands on me
my breaths are getting faster, faster now
so don't stop until I scream it out

Now I'm home
and your not here

I reach the fridge
and grab a beer

I hear a knock
on my front door

your standing there
ready to score

You just can't wait to take me home with you
You just can't wait to get my hands on you
your breaths are getting faster, faster now
and I just won't stop until you scream it out


I used to be daddy's little girl
he was the ruler of my world
then all of a sudden i grew up
and things got all fucked up

I was my mom's number one
when we fought she always won
now she's always mad at me
because I'm not the girl I should be

So now when I really need
them to be there for me
they've closed the door
and thrown away my key
so I guess all I have is me
since they have abandoned me

I use to be the perfect child
always flashing my big smile
but now I've made a few mistakes
and my parents think that I'm a fake

I've tried to get on the right track
but everytime i go forward i go back
they think all i do is wrong
thats why i wrote this song

so now when i really need
them to be there for me
they've closed the door
and thrown away my key
so i guess all I have is me
since my parents have abandoned me

#6 (not finished)

You were my everything
even though you were mean to me
you made me laugh
but not as much as you made me cry

You called me up everynight
saying i was a bitch, slut and never right
my friends all told me to leave you
and go out and look for someone new

you made me hate me
yet you made me love you
i was just a puppet
and you were pulling all my strings
now i look back and see the truth
and all I can say is fuck you

#7 (not finished)

I'm not perfect
I'm not the girl you want me to be
I'm not pretty enough
I'm not that girl in the magazine

I'm not smart enough
which you constantly reminded me of
I'm not strong enough
since you constantly beat me up

I'm nothing
which is obvious
because if i was something
I'd be enough
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