What’s My Diagnonsense?

Feb 10, 2007 16:35

The Basics
Name: Karen
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Location: Miami
Your Weaknesses: Short temper, procrastinating, arrogant
Your Strengths: Creativity, loyalty, ambition
Your Talents: Acting, writing, playing the piano, dancing

What color matches your personality? Why? Purple. A balance between fiery, passionate, and erratic and cool, cold, brooding.

What place(s) do you like to spend time in the best? Why?
Bookstores. I like wandering through them for hours and seeing what random interesting things I can stumble upon. Also, I love going to clubs where I can jump either on a table or stage area and just dance without worrying that some weird drunk guy will try bothering me.

Other than Girl, Interrupted, what is/are your favorite movie(s)? Why?
Mean Girls (I like how it had all the elements of a normal chick flick, but at the same time parodied them a little), Pirates of the Caribbean (Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp. And the great story, of course.), A Clockwork Orange (I love the message it sends.)

What is/are your favorite book(s)? Why?
A Clockwork Orange (same reason as movie), Gossip Girl (I'm a shameless gossip and this book is a such a guilty pleasure), Harry Potter (I love fantasy and I got into this when I was younger, so I have to continue the fandom)

If you could only watch one television show for the rest of your life what would it be?
I don't watch much TV, but I guess House, because my boyfriend and I both love it and House's bitchy comments never get old.

What is your favorite thing to eat?
Sushi or chocolate. Not together, of course. =)

Girl Interrupted Related

Which character (no matter how obscure) would you like to be your best friend? Why?
Susan. She's probably the only one of the patients who I'd be able to tolerate for long periods of time and we both like writing.

Which character (no matter how obscure) would probably be your enemy or rival? Why?
Lisa. I think our personalities would completely clash, because we both have a tendency to be selfish and abbrasive.

Imagine that you’ve been sent to Claymoore. What would be the hardest thing to adjust to? (meds, rules, the other patients etc.)
Meds, hands down. I've been put on them before and I absolutely hated taking them. I think to a certain degree, the psychiatric community should really cut-down on their constant prescribing of medicine and try to see if there are other ways to help the patient first.

If you have any personality quirks or even mental illness(es) that you don't mind sharing, tell us about them!
I've been diagnosed as bipolar. According to one doctor, I am "borderline with narcissistic tendencies" but in all honesty, I thought that diagnosis was a joke.

Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do?
Find a way to spend the rest of the day with everyone I love.

Put the following words in order according to your priorities : Self, Money, Love, Power, Family


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Visual Aid
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Anything else you'd like to share with the class?
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