What's my Diagnonsense?

Mar 27, 2006 06:46

The Basics
Name: Adrienne Tanvier
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Location: Dayton, Ohio.
Your Weaknesses: I wear my heart on my sleeve, I'm a sucker for romance, though I'll deny it to the bone, and I cry at a lot of things.
Your Strengths: I'm a feircly loyal friend, I like to live for the sheer joy of living, meaning I'll try new things to see what they're like even if they're considered "dangerous." or "illegal."
Your Talents: Writing and Acting.

What color matches your personality? Why? : I'm going to go with Burgyndy, one of my favourite colours. it's bold and dark, and...seductive. (Not saying I am seductive, but hey.)
What place(s) do you like to spend time in the best? Why? Nature. I like to be in forests because I've always felt an affinity for roaming around in the trees. I also like to be in Colorado because that's where my fondest memories lie.
Other than Girl, Interrupted, what is/are your favorite movie(s)? Why?: Let's see. I like Rocky Horror because of it's pure insanity and the fun times I've had going. and Moulin Rouge and Romeo and Juliet, I love Baz Luhrman (the director) and his use of vibrant colours. and also Donnie Darko for its confusing deepness, same with Amelie.
What is/are your favorite book(s)? Why?: Actually. I loved the book Girl, Interrupted. I love it because reading it gives you more of a delve into the mind of Susana Kaysen and it makes you able to relate to her more. But other than that, I adore the Harry Potter saga for it's fantastical flights into magic. And I like the Ashbury/Brookfeild stories because of the way they are written (all letters and emails and the like.)
If you could only watch one television show for the rest of your life what would it be?: Bewitched....or That 70's Show. Bewitched because I never get tired of the hilarities especially when Endora's around. And That 70's show because it makes me laugh.
What is your favorite thing to eat?: Pizza or Chinese Food.

Girl Interrupted Related
Which character (no matter how obscure) would you like to be your best friend? Why?: hmm....Lisa. Most people probably say this. But Lisa. I've hung out with people like her from day one. And if you get them right, they're not as insane as they like to make people think.
Which character (no matter how obscure) would probably be your enemy or rival? Why?: ER...Daisy. Because she's such a dependant princess. I don't like people like that.
Imagine that you’ve been sent to Claymoore. What would be the hardest thing to adjust to? (meds, rules, the other patients etc.): Checks. I like to have my private time. I don't mind hanging aroung with other patients, and I don't even mind taking meds now and then. But I don't like to be sittin there in my room having my personal time when every fifteen minutes CHECKS! ooh. same with the watching of the bath. yeah. that'd bug me.
If you have any personality quirks or even mental illness(es) that you don't mind sharing, tell us about them!: I build "alter-egos" when I write. In order to get to know the character I'm focusing on, I make myself BE them, and sometimes, they stick around. I have zillions of aliases because of it.

Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do?: find the fastest way to Colorado and get Tye and spend my last day doing all of the things we always love to do when I'm out there.
Put the following words in order according to your priorities : Self, Money, Love, Power, Family: Love, Family, Self, Money, Power.

Promote the community in one place and show us the link. : http://www.xanga.com/xXFoolMoonXx/463836575/item.html

Visual Aid
If you'd like to share a picture, put it here.

that was me at a writing fund-raiser.

typical of me to dress like this for no reason.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v333/xXHazeyShadeXx/igidaba/06_08A.jpg and last. At a party.

Anything else you'd like to share with the class?

no ma'am.
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