Note :: These are taken from the rules that
thenewhope posted in
Within this post you will find the basic steps to post a
femslash_today update, as well as the html to be used. More specific guidelines can be found in the
rules, tip & tricks post.
The first step in putting an f_t update together is to go through and collect all relevant posts that appear on the watch list. It's your job to list all femslash related posts that appear on the watch list after the most recent f_t update, as well as anything that has been left in the comments to the last update.
Compiling your update
There are three options to choose from for compiling the entries for your update:
- Use a browser that has a tabbed viewing feature (like Firefox), so that you can quickly open any relevant posts in new tabs as you move through the watch list until you've collected everything and are ready to start putting your post together.
- You can open each post in a new Netscape/Explorer window and risk crashing your computer.
- You can put together your post as you go through the watch list, listing each post as you come upon it.
Note ::
ariestess' personal preference is #3, but whatever works best for you is what you should work with.
Also, if you should have any questions about the relevance of a particular post as you're working your way through the watch list, please check the information in both this post and the tips & tricks post to see if your question is answered. If it's not covered there, you have two options: check with
ariestess or use your best judgment.
Building your update
Okay, so now you've started working through the watch list and collecting the posts for your update.
Regardless of which compilation option you're using, you have four options for actually building the body of your update.
- Use the plain text/HTML LJ "post an entry" mode, which uses the plain text codes below
- Use the rich text LJ "post an entry" mode
- Use a downloaded client, which uses the plain text codes below [like Semagic]
- Use a text editor, which uses the plain text codes below, then upload via one of the above options
Note ::
ariestess uses a combination of 3 & 4, but whatever works best for you is what you should work with. Regardless of the method you use to build your update, please familiarize yourself with the plain text codes listed at the bottom of this post. Sometimes the rich text option and the various clients can get a bit buggy and refuse to work properly, which means you may have to do your update "old school".
Whichever method you choose to use, your next step is to open an update window and start listing all of the posts you've collected. There is a set format for posts at f_t, which is covered in the plain text html codes and can easily be picked up by looking at previous update posts.
Regardless of your chosen method of creating your update, please make sure to keep the following things in mind as you do your update:
- The archiving team is made up of people from all over the globe, spanning several time zones. While most may be from the North American continent, this isn't always the case. Therefore, please make sure that you don't post your entry too early or too late on your assigned day, to avoid any timing issues as much as possible. A good rule of thumb is to try to get your post up by 9PM Eastern Standard Time, just to maintain some consistency in the posting. If this isn't possible, that's understandable.
- If, for whatever reason, you are not able to do the update on your assigned day, please inform ariestess IMMEDIATELY. This will allow her the opportunity to get someone else to take your day or let the next archivist know they'll have a double-length update.
- The subject line of your update should be the date of your update in either {month day year} or {day month year} format. Example: {december 1 2010} or {1 december 2010}
- Ideally your icon should be somehow related to femslash or to one of the fandoms listed in your post. If you don't have an icon that suits either of these requirements, use your best judgment on an appropriate icon.
- If your post has more than 25 links total, please put it under an LJ-cut with text of "xx links in xx fandoms". This is to be polite for our readers' feeds.
- If you have any questions, or are at all unsure of how to list something, please check the information in this post or any previous femslash_today updates to see how others have done it in the past. If that still doesn't work, please contact ariestess or use your best judgment.
- Once you've finished compiling your update, check back over the watch list to see if anything new has been posted since the last time you looked. This is also the time to make sure you've gotten anything left in the comments from the previous update. Once you've done this, you can post your update.
Header types
All creations fall under a certain set of headers as depicted in {}.
- {fic} :: All completed fic & drabbles.
- {updated} :: All updates to fic, listed by chapter number(s).
- {media} :: All creations that are not fic, listed with a subheading of one of the following: fanart, fanmix, podfic, gif, icon
- {meta} :: All meta posts.
- {challenges} :: All challenges, exchanges, etc. This will include announcements & masterlists.
- {misc} :: This is a generic header for anything that doesn't fall into the above categories.
Note: The {misc} header is also used as a main header for anything that is not fandom-specific. For example, weekly challenges from femslash100 go here under a sub-heading of {challenges}.
Plain text codes
If you're building your update via HTML and/or plain text coding, these are the basic codes you'll use. If you're using the rich text editor or a client, the examples listed with these codes are how your entries should look.
Updated to include coding for various other sites we can glean femslash materials from.
section header code:
{Rizzoli & Isles}
fic code:
- .
- Cops Are Sexy! by girl_reader - Jane/Maura
fic update code:
- of by -
- Part 17 of Say What? by girl_reader - Jane/Maura
crossover or fandom distinction code:
- by - ()
crossover example:
- Wonders Never Cease by girl_reader - Maura/Lindsay (WMC crossover)
fandom distinction example:
- Point of Order by girl_reader - Alex/Olivia (SVU)
- Both Sides of the Bench by girl_reader - Serena/Casey (TOS/SVU crossover)
community challenge code:
- -
- femslash100 - cake
social media creator codes:
Note: If there's a site where you find femslash material without a code like below, please let me know and I'll get it set up. Dreamwidth provides coding on the profile pages of all journals & comms, so you can use that for those.
Based on all of the coding listed above, this is how a sample update should look.
{Law & Order}
- Point of Order by - Alex/Olivia (SVU)
- Both Sides of the Bench by - Serena/Casey (TOS/SVU crossover)
{Rizzoli & Isles}
- Cops Are Sexy! by - Jane/Maura
- Wonders Never Cease by - Maura/Lindsay (WMC crossover)
- Part 17 of Say What? by - Jane/Maura
- - cake
{Law & Order}
- Point of Order by girl_reader - Alex/Olivia (SVU)
- Both Sides of the Bench by girl_reader - Serena/Casey (TOS/SVU crossover)
{Rizzoli & Isles}
- Cops Are Sexy! by girl_reader - Jane/Maura
- Wonders Never Cease by girl_reader - Maura/Lindsay (WMC crossover)
- Part 17 of Say What? by girl_reader - Jane/Maura
- femslash100 - cake