Tag Moderation Directions

Dec 29, 2010 15:39

Note :: These are taken from the rules that thenewhope posted in madeofgay.

This post contains all information and directions for entry tag moderators.

As an entry tag moderator, it's your job to make sure that all posts made to femslash_today during your assigned month are tagged appropriately. This post spells out the basic process for editing tags on a femslash_today post, as well as a few basic rules and tips.

There are a couple of ways to edit a post's tags once it has been posted, but the easiest and most well suited to our needs is the "edit tags" button, which can be found on the toolbar at the top of any post you have poster/moderator access to.

When you're ready to edit a post's tags, simply click the post's "edit tags" button. It will take you to a new page where you will be able to view a simplified copy of the post. If you scroll all the way to the bottom of the post you will find the tools you need to add tags to the post.

You can access all existing tags by scrolling through the "user's tags" menu. Once you have located the tag you want, select it by left-clicking on it and it will appear in the "current tags" box. When adding multiple tags, you will need to select them by ctrl-left-clicking on each separate tag.

You can create a new tag by typing its name into the "current tags" box, making sure to separate each tag by a comma. Once you have created a new tag, comment to the tag master list with the fandom, tag name and tag link (in the format used on the list) so that it can be added to the list.

(Before creating a new tag, please make sure one doesn't already exist for that fandom. Not all tags are set up in ways that will seem obvious to you, so you'll want to check out the tag master list, which is organized alphabetically by fandom. ETA: As of June 2007 it is first broken up by genre, then listed alphabetically by fandom.)

Make sure you have covered all fandoms listed on the post, then hit the "save changes" button. LiveJournal will save your work, and open a new copy of the post where you will be able to see your newly added tags.

It's up to you whether you want to tag each post as it comes out or wait until the end of the month to tag them all together. That said, you need to have all of the posts for your month tagged by the 5th of the following month. If something comes up, and you can't have it completed by, then let ariestess know in an email so she can get a back up mod on it.

A clarification on the internal femslash_today tags (challenges, ficathons, admin): these are only for use on posts that include either {admin}, {challenges} or {ficathons} in their titles, not for newsletter posts that include links to challenges outside of femslash_today. As of right now, we do not have any tags for ficathons, challenges or communities. Do not create any.

Any and all questions or suggestions can either be left in a comment to this post or sent to ariestess via PM or email.
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