Oct 21, 2010 18:51
Figured this would help people in the long run. ♥
Dick Grayson | Robin => Ellie Grayson | Robin
Koriand'r | Starfire => Koriand'r (Corey Anders) | Firestar [translated backwards]
Garfield Logan | Beast Boy => Gardenia Logan | Beast Girl
Rachel Roth | Raven => Raziel Roth | Crow
Victor Stone | Cyborg => Victoria Stone | Cyber
Tara Markov | Terra => Terrance Markov | Terran
Roy Harper | Speedy => Roxanne "Roxi" Harper | Speedi
Garth (Idyll) | Aqualad => Gina (Idyll) | Aqualass
Karen Beecher | Bumblebee => Ken Beecher | Sting
Mas y Menos => Mas y Menos (this... really didn't change anything.)
Wally West | Kid Flash => Wendy West | Kid Flash
Jinx => Jivin Nahar | Hex
Jade Nyugen | Cheshire => Spinel Nyugen | Cheshire
Jericho | Joseph Wilson => Jericho "Jeri" | Joani Wilson
Ravager | Rose Wilson => Blade | Roosevelt "Velt" Wilson
Slade Wilson => Sloane Wilson
Bruce Wayne | Batman => Brenna Wayne | Batwoman
Diana of Themyscira | Wonder Woman => Helios of Themyscira | Wonder Warrior
Donna Troy | Wonder Girl => Dorian Troy | Wonder Boy
Control Freak => Limewire
Kitten => Tiger
I'm sure there's people I'm forgetting. :|b If you want to know who's who, then just ask me and I'll add it to the list.