an update

Mar 27, 2007 16:51

What a gorg-e-us afternoon, full of blue sun light and soft light.
I went for an interview in school today for the post of Curriculum Innovator:new technologies. There are 5 positions available, and 10 people who went. 1 in 2 chance sounds good to me.

i had to give a presentation, I did one on VLE(Virtual learning environments) and how it would benefit our school. it was a really good presentaion; lots of facts, linking to the situation at school, providing future possibilites, mentioning personalised learning , showing how other schools do it, the potential in my lessons for utilising it and finally a quote to show how sucessful it had been in another school.

The head teacher was one of the interviewers and she LOVED it- she said i'd done such a thorough and interesting job that there were no questions she could ask me. I'm the only NQT going for it, though it is open to support staff as well. A high up member of the english department went for it as well, he was being a bit weird with me about it at first, but by the end of the day he was okay.

I went for my first run of the season last night. I would go again tonight but i lieft my insulin at home today and so haven't taken any. My sugar is too high to run at the moment. I am so unfit- i was puffing and panting like a fat arthritic dog but I enjoyed it. i'm so glad the clocks have gone forward- i love lighter evenings.

Jacket potato, Salmon and asparagus for tea, I can't freaking wait.

FACT: No y10s in this week as they have been having exams. Its been like being a student teacher again having these extra free lessons.

Started watching the new battlestar galactica, I am enjoying it but i get very anxious with end of the world apocolypse stuff. It depresses the hell out of me.

FACT; I am wearing an exciting posh black skirt from primark. it is fitted heavey stretch jersey with a kick at the bottom. When i walk the fabric rushes up to greet me, I love it.
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