Mar 14, 2006 11:50
Magical History - About as interesting as any story to her, though she might not bother memorizing dates.
Potions - Either she's hoping to make some kind of miracle fertilizer or thinking some might taste good.
The Study of Magical Beasts - She just likes critters~
Studies of Afterlife Culture - Always been interested in other religions, and because quite a few of her earlier friends aren't exactly living anymore. Considers herself generically Christian, so doesn't pick a denomination, and is fairly open to other ways of thinking.
Elemental/Nature Magic - Tree hugger. But it's required, anyway. Specializing in Lightning and, well, mostly benevolent spells otherwise.
Latin - ...will be confusingly annoyed and amused by Arachne, but will do the work and not bother letting her know too directly.
Health/Sex Education - Also required. Probably makes her grumpy, but not particularly embarrassed.
Art - For fun, though she might be a little uncomfortable if she ever has to show anything off.
I almost forgot this. ^^; Kalinka would have been in these the whole time, just trying not to stick out, or something like that. She'd have taken Drama, but the idea that she might have to act in front of someone scares her more than Satan himself. Honestly, Satan sounds kind of like a pansy, anyway.