USA - 'Greatest Country' My Ass

Apr 13, 2012 23:17

Tennessee's first piece of legislation that was passed into law this week:
Republican Tennessee Governor To Allow Creationism Bill To Become Law

And the second piece of legislation that was also passed this week:
Tennessee Senate Approves Bill To Warn Students That Hand-Holding Is A ‘Gateway Sexual Activity’

...Are we still in the 21st century because, I swear, after reading about these two bills (now laws), I really have to stop and slap a bitch. This is ridiculous.

What has happened to this country?? Why are we regressing like this? This country was founded on the right to religious freedom yet here we are trying to stuff Christianity -- yes, Christianity -- down everyone's throats, to include other countries!! And if, say, Muslims try to practice their own beliefs in the open they are looked at as savages and terrorists to the US Constitution. I feel like only Christians have the power to alter laws to befit their religion but as soon as one of the 'lower religions' tries to, just even a little...just a smidgen, there is sudden backlash in every angle and people are filled with this indescribable rage.

Creationism. In public schools. Public schools will now be teaching creationism, a hokum, alongside evolution, a scientific fact. So, basically, all of Tennessee's hardworking men and women will be paying taxes for teachers to teach creationism to students -- whether they believe it or not. If I were to write a bill that insists on teaching my Buddhist beliefs -- y'know, reincarnation -- to public schools, I wouldn't get further than my representative's secretary.

Do you see my point here? I know I'm not being very articulate, so pardon me, but that's what happens when I am enraged.

Basically, it comes down to this: Religion is ugly. Religion and politics is even uglier. And when you mix religion and education together, we don't go forwards -- we only going backwards. And we are going backwards so fast, we don't even know if we can stop!! I've lost faith with the people who govern our states and our nation. There is no hope there anymore. More and more of them are swinging to the right and further down into the right that they've disappeared. But I don't want to lose faith in my fellow man. Because when that day comes, it's over for all of us.

Please wake up, people!!! Stop pretending life is perfect. Stop being selfish!! It's time to get involved.

Edit: I needed to add this great cartoon that pretty much sums up TN's creationism bill. *vomit*

politix, soapbox, wtfness, religion

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