Jan 14, 2009 15:38
When I hear a song I like, I don't favorite it and listen to it once in a while. Oh no. I run it into the GROUND. For WEEKS, I'll sing it, until I get sick of it one day and never want to hear it again. It's like a sickness. Songs grab at me until I hear them enough to have every note memorized.
Songs I have somehow not yet managed to get tired of yet INCLUDE: Sexy Naughty Bitchy, Gives you Hell, anything by Paramore and Love me Dead.
Biology is kicking my ass =P I'm good at math, good at almost anything in school, but this is my one weakness. Week 2 and I think I need a tutor. It makes me feel a little dumb, but I know that it's better to get help early.
It looks like the Rikku cosplay actually might happen by metro =DDDD It'll be Rikku frmo FF X, not FF XII, so I don't have to buy a wig. Medium length blonde hair finally comes in handy for a cospaly! If I get the money, I know who I want to make it for me, and it'll look super cute.
No word from Battle Con yet! I sent in my pics/info for a shot at being in their fan girls of anime calendar (Your supposed to send a pic, your age, and what character you want to portray, I said misa misa from death note ^_^). I'm sure I'll hear back from them in like 3 months when chess mania has taken over (assuming i get in *crosses fingers and prays*) and I've forgotten all about battle con. I do hope I get in though, it sounds fun and I'd love to have a calendar to show my grandkids to say 'See, this wrinkled lady WAS hot back in the day! Told ya!'. Lol jk. But I am hoping to get in.
When I go to book and music stores, I get recognized a lot from Metro. This isn't related to anything, i just think its kind of cool and fun, Ive made a few awesome acquaintences this way.
Dinner at steak and shake with chess crew made me realize how much I miss everyone. **makes mental note to hang out with and keep in touch with everyone more **