Last night was AWESOME. OHGODYES. I was quite ill before I got to town, but then I was alright. I put on my white tank, and the strap broke. Then I put on my black tank, and it had not one but TWO holes in it. I threw away my white one and I'm gonna sew up the holes in my black one. I was ill though. Then I had to take my dad to go and pick up the Celica. After all that, I finally made it to, around quarter after 9. Josh and the crew were sitting at the BP so I rode the strip a few times then I pulled up there. We sat there for a few then me and Josh rode around.'s where it get good. There was this tricked out Honda with a bunch of guys in it and they were all trying to show off around town and whatnot. They started messing around with one of the Mustang GTs that cruises town and Josh decided to play around too. Now, both the GT and Josh's truck are V8s...the Honda is not. So he thought he was all cool but we know he has nothing. Josh passes him and Ed happened to be on the road so we got up beside him. The Honda starts beeping the horn and Ed hits it. We pull into the Sonic and as we're rounding the back, the Honda pulls up on my side of the truck like he's going to pass, and I'm like, whoa whoa! So we play around with them for a little while and then they go to the car wash and sit.
Next time we see them out, it is MY turn. Josh parks the truck and the Stang gets on the road. Oh yes. I wait in the BP parking lot for the Honda to get out of the Sonic and then I pull into the right lane. The guy has a car in front of him, so I just pass them and wait for him to come up. He pulls up beside us and wants to act all hard and Josh yells at him. I am so ready. My hands are shaking, my adrenaline is PUMPING and I am really excited. Then that dude wants to straight up put me down. He's all like "You want to run? ...On that?" Talking smack about my Stang. He'on KNOW ME! So we make another round of the Sonic 500 and then its time to make a move. He comes up beside me, and he hits it, so I'm like...okay! I hit it, I mean, I got the pedal to the FLOOR. The Stang is giving it all its got. I keep my eye on him through my side mirror and he starts coming up...I get kinda worried because the pedal is all the way down and I have nothing else, but....he just couldn't get all the way up to me. I know we had to be going like 80mph down 10th St. Then we come up on this car thats in his lane so we have to slow down. He turns off a side road and I keep going and take the long way around back to the BP. I was sooo proud of myself. :-D:-D:-D
And just because I haven't done that in so long and I felt like being cunty..I rode by where they were sitting at the car wash and revved the ol' Stang, just so they knew what the deal was. I wasn't planning on racing them again, since I got lucky out on 10th St. far as no cops. But I just wanted to rub it in. Well...they didn't like that too much. They came back out on the road and they pulled into the BP where we were and wanted to talk smack! They were all like, "Oh you had a good car length in front of us" blah blah blah...take those tired excuses elsewhere. Josh started mouthing off, trying to get a real race in order, and the dude's like, "I got $500!" ...I didn't? Then Josh is all like, "Naw man, let's see some titles!" and I start yelling, "Hey! This is daddy's car!", you know, the Stang is in Mr. Chuck's name. And I ain't trying to lose it. But that just blows over and they just talk more smack about my car even though I just straight up dragged them and all of us are just yelling at each other. They pull off and tell me to bring it out again and they even go as far as to tell Josh to bring out his "slow truck". They just don't know.
Just because they were talking down to me like that, we all know I don't take that well, especially not when my car is involved, so I ran over to my car and pulled up to Josh and he got in and we drove out. They had made their way back to the carwash and I rode past it and made myself known and then I just went back to the BP. I won't scared. I didn't really want to race down 10th St. again, but my pride wouldn't let me back down. I needed Jennifer there to tell me to calm down some. Josh was no help, he was instigating it. When we actually raced he said he was getting a stiffy, and he won't playing. My head was hurting. *remembers my stiffy* LOL
Anyway. We went back to the BP said our goodbyes and then Josh went home and I went to Wal-Mart. They have this really CUTE courderoy(sp?) blazer in there, and I absolutely had to have it. So I got it. :-D And then I needed to get a poster of some sort because I rearranged some things in my room earlier that day and I had a big blank spot. I found a nice Napoleon Dynamite poster and hung it up as soon as I got home. It's awesome.
Today..I wake up this morning and lo and behold...a nice little suprise. Mi uteruso es el worko. So mad. Sorta. :-/ After a few hours of being awake, my stomach started cramping like crazy. I've been typing at this entry for like, 2 hours now, Jennifer called and then Josh called so I've had to pause, but while I've been typing I've had my computer on my stomach, works just like a heating pad. It's fantastic. After I ate some lunch, I popped a Midol and now I'm feeling okay. Very confused about all this insanity, but it's good news in disguise.
Josh has to go to work til about 6ish and I don't know if I'm going to town tonight or what. I kinda want to. I'll be sitting home tomorrow night finishing up my homework and stuff before Tuesday and I have a dentist appointment tomorrow at 1:30. :-/ I don't wanna go!!!!
Jennifer called to tell me that her mom gave her permission to pack up her stuff and drive her car back here whenever she wants!!! YAY!!! All she has to do is talk to Shaun's grandma for some money and then I think everything will be in order. Unless one of her parents goes psycho...which is more likely to happen then not. We shall see about all that. <333
I just remembered that there were some things I forgot to mention in my last entry, so I'll tuck them under
I hung out with Casey the other day. That was fun. She called me up and said she was over at Jonathan's, so I went over there for a while. Then it started getting dark so we decided to peace and went to RR to Starbuck's. Mmm Starbuck's. I called up Josh and he came up there and hung out with us. That was fun. After that, he went home and me and Casey went to Wal-Mart. We both bought some hair dye. Then...the next morning I went over to Casey's and we dyed hairs! I got a lightish colored brown and when my hair was dried it looked so good I almost didn't want to put in the highlights I bought for it. But we did. And Casey did a really good job. All professional with tin foil and she did some highlights underneath my hair and everything. For some reason the hair on the front of my bang turned out a LOT blonder than the rest of the highlights, so we used some left over brown to darken it. Then we darkened it too much. So we highlighted it again. And then it was perfect. That was pretty funny. I'm rather satisfied with my hair. It looks almost like it did before we dyed it except there's no roots :-D and it's a bit lighter. Josh said he liked it <3. I think when it turns colder, around Octoberish, I'm going to redye it all brown. Yeah.
Casey got some -platinum- blonde for herself. We put that in, and I didn't think it looked bad, but she wasn't too happy with the results. It was kind of a goldish color. She put on a hat and we went to M'boro and got some grub from Napoli's and went in CVS and she got some brown hair dye and some highlights too. I didn't stay at her house to see her redye her hair because it was getting late and she had some things to do, but I'm gonna have to call her and see how well that went.
And I think that's pretty much it. Tuesday I'll have my first Spanish class, I'm kinda excited about that. Even though I'm -still- feeling some type of way about being at HCC, I'm really glad that I'm at least back in school. And Allison wrote me a little note and told me she was proud of me too and that makes me feel good. :-D