Dear Yuletide Author

Nov 19, 2011 23:55

Dear Yuletide Author,

Thank you! I hope you enjoy writing as much as I know I'll enjoy reading. In general, I like plot, dialogue, action and character-y world building. Anything but fluff, really. I'm not much into PWP, but if that's where Monza and Shivers are going, that's fine. I love all these fandoms, and although I shall gush about specifics in the rest of this letter, they are the random musings of an over excited mind, and may be disregarded as such.

First Law Universe - Joe Abercrombie

I love Joe Abercrobie. I love him, and his wonderful, graphic, beautiful, cinematic books more than is quite healthy. I love the way he is truly horrible to his characters and describes it in pain staking detail. I love the dialogue, and the action. I love the way the usual fantasy conventions are cheerfully stripped naked, tripped over in the mud and made to say thank you afterwards. I will be so gleefully delighted with anything you write in this fandom I may not be able to sit still to read it for half an hour or so. Anyway.....I'm not even sure that you'd call it courtship, but the awful, awkward, cringe-worthy and not quite denied attraction between Monza and Shivers was one of my favourite parts of Best Served Cold, and some more of that would be wonderful. Otherwise, blood, gore, sarcasm and bad sex just like in the books, please.

American Gods - Neil Gaiman

I've no requests, other than for Shadow. Anything - a sequence with Laura, or Wednesday. Back story. Another day on the road. A lost scene. However your muse takes you, I shall be delighted.

Casino Royale

Vesper, tell-less Vesper, is such an interesting character. James, I understand, all violence and testosterone over a spark of something human, but Vesper, and the why of her, is much more opaque. Perhaps something from Vesper's point of view? Something sad and doomed would be lovely, about how she is attracted to James despite herself.

Quest for a Maid - Frances Mary Hendry

One of my favourite books (and authors) as a child. I loved their details, and the way they managed to feel like adult books, with sharp dialogue and twisty plots, and the fact they were entirely unpatronising to their target audience. I was so delighted to find this here I can't say. True fact - I met the author when I was ten. She lives 10 miles away from where I grew up. I can't believe this is here! Anything with the tone the details of the books would be amazing. Although anything with Meg being smart and capable would be epic. She was the anti-Bella, and one of my childhood book heroines.


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