
Apr 05, 2009 21:35

I do know it's April, and as such four months (cough) late, but I finally finished and uploaded my Yuletide New Year Resolutions story! It is the only "Time Bandits" story on Yuletide, and, in fact the only one I have ever seen. "Time Bandits" being a film about a gang of dwarves (and a 12 year old boy) travelling through myth and history, trying to steal anything that isn't nailed down on the way. Obscure, much? (Shameless self promotion, here.)

But it does allow me to say how great I think Terry Gilliam is. He did the wonderfully surreal animations in Monty Python, and has gone on to make some amazing films, including "Brazil", "12 Monkeys", "The Brothers Grimm", and, of course, "Time Bandits." If you watch one, go for "12 Monkeys", which is one of the best time travel films ever. It has a post-apocalyptic world, Bruce Willis being violent and bewildered, a quite insane Brad Pitt, some bittersweet romance and the most mind bending twist to the ending.  All the films are gloriously detailed, funny and perceptive with a hidden sting.

I was waiting for the new episode of "Shadow Unit", but if my time zone calculations are right, it will be ridiculous o'clock in the UK before it appears. So maybe I'll just read it tomorrow. Or maybe I'll finish the last of the last challenge I'm meant to be writing, and have some coffee.

(PS - Icon! I have been looking for a happy icon for so long, and now I've got one! *Polishes shiny Kaylee icon*)

ETA: Look what I got for just writing a fic for the first monthly challenge at herchampion

I'm doing the next one, too. Me, shamelessly addicted to the shiny? Never.

new things are exciting, films, fic, yuletide

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