Five things meme. Again.

Mar 26, 2009 19:56

Who would have thought there were ten interesting things about me?

These are from Imogen at team_fen -


I don't really mention the pony, as the equine world is, as a rule, not interesting to non-horsey people. But I've ridden all my life, and I have an Exmoor pony; Terry Pratchett once described the Lancre Hill Pony as having "the general shape and disposition as a barrel of gun powder", and that covers D pretty well. Please ignore how fat he is - it was the end of summer!


I have such a weakness for spy novels; Frederick Forsyth, Hammond Innes, John Le Carre, all that old school cold war stuff. The build up, the details, and then the twist at the end. Most of the lead characters are "grey men" - not heroes, they are just doing what must be done - and their cleverness and practicality really appeals to me. I do like flashy protagonists.


This is difficult; I generally think I'm not well enough informed to talk about feminism. I suppose I subscribe to the Keladry school of feminism; head down and do the job as well as anyone, so it doesn't matter what sex you are. People are people, irrespective of chromosomes. That's the ideal, anyway, although real life is Not Like That. I would hate to be thought of as an aggressive, man hating feminist, though.

Science Fiction

I have a sekkrit, shiny love for sci-fi. I once suggested to my book group they read "The Left Hand of Darkness" by Ursula Le Guin, and they looked at me very funny, so it stays sekkrit. It's the same as the spy novels - I love the escapism of a good yarn, and I like little technical details described well and made important. Lois McMaster Bujold, Iain M. Banks, Ursula Le Guin, Joe Abercrombie (though he's more fantasy), and Kurt Vonnegut. I like sci-fi horror films - "Sunshine", "Event Horizon", "Pitch Black" - and I recently discovered "Firefly", which is just great (and I do know how toe-curlingly late I am on that one.)


*looks embarrassed, points at icon and wanders off*

Again, if anyone would like five things, just comment and I will do my best to provide.

meme, pics

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