It´s my birthday today and as a gift to myself I´ve finally put together the rules of a challenge I´ve been working on for quite a while. It was created to help me (and anyone who wants to try it) to play more of the supernatural beings in the game. This challenge was inspired by The Prosperity Challenge and The Apocalypse Challenge. I hope it is not too similar to anything that has already been created. I´m afraid it´s been designed for the players with all the EPs :(
It is my first ever challenge and I still consider it very much WiP and I´ll be happy for any feedback, comments and suggestions.
World of Supernatural Challenge
Your sims found themselves in a world ruled by the supernatural beings. It is not a world most sims would truly enjoy, therefore they will want to change the rules. However, to do so, they need to live by them first, follow all the restrictions, and become the rulers themselves.
There are several sets of restrictions the sims in your neighborhood have to follow. The goal is to lift them all and gain back all the comfort your sims usually have.
General Gameplay:
No cheats or hacks.
You will create your founders and then play the households Prosperity style.
Every time a child transitions to teen you have to roll his or her aspiration.
Your sims can - and should - move in their future spouses, but can´t move in Townies simply to get the money. Additionally, all playable sims have to be played, they can´t simply sit in the sim bin. The children may move out or stay to live with their parents, but the only time two households are allowed to merge is when a sim child is returning from university.
Sim in the University neighborhood have to follow the restrictions, too. It is recommended to create a whole new University for that.
Set up:
Create a new neighborhood and add Downtown and Vacation Destinations. You may add Shopping District and University, too, but you may not need them at the beginning.
Take a die. It will help you set up your founders.
The first roll of the dice is to decide how many founders there will be.
1-2: two founders
3-4: three founders
5-6: four founders
Roll the gender, aspiration and sign of your founders as you would in Prosperity Challenge. Each of your founders has to have his or her own household, they can´t be roommates or related. The lots can be any size you want, but smaller is recommended - the money is going to be really tight at the beginning.
The restriction sets:
There are spirits of the dead living among the sims in your neighborhood and they are easily disturbed when the sims disrupt the ground or make too much noise. You need to establish a connection between the world of the living and the dead by calling a sim back to life.
Until this set of restrictions is lifted:
Your sims cannot build basements, pods or pools.
They cannot dig for treasure.
They can plant no trees or bushes (vegetables and flowers are allowed, because their roots don´t grow too deep).
They can play no music - they cannot own musical instruments or stereos and they cannot freestyle.
Your sims cannot work in Music career.
All sets of restrictions are lifted for only as long as the sims who lifted them is alive.
To lift this set of restrictions, you have to have a zombie in your neighborhood.
Vampires, the evil lazy slackers of darkness, are worried the world will be overpopulated soon and there will be no space. They are drinking synthetic blood, now, and don´t care much about poor human sims. If it were up to them, all humans would be killed or at least turned into vampires. They are trying to restrict the population explotion as much as they can.
Until this set of restrictions is lifted:
Your sims cannot go on dates.
They cannot hire the matchmaker.
They cannot use any love potions.
They can have a child only with a sim that they have at least one chemistry bolt with and marry only a sim they have at least two bolts with.
No divorces are allowed and no second marriages are allowed (not even when the first spouse dies). The only exception is for sim couples with three bolts.
All couples can only have one child or one set of twins.
All houses can only take 10x10 space (including the gardens and greenhouses).
A playable vampire can only turn his or her spouse into vampire. If he or she turns anyone else by accident, the turned sim has to be cured immediately - you are allowed to call the matchmaker for that purpose.
To lift this set of restrictions, you need a Vampire King or Queen in your town. For that you need to have at least 5 vampires in your neighborhood and your King/Queen needs to be BFF with all the others.
Plantsims love life and freedom. They are annoyed by abuse to plants.
Until this set of restrictions is lifted:
Your sims can only fill their fridges through gardening. No produce can be sold, however.
Cooking skill can only be gained by performing the activity.
Sims cannot work in the Culinary career.
Sims have to sleep in tents only. The only exception is for infants and toddlers.
There may be no restaurants in the neighborhood.
Sims can´t arrange flowers or own any potted plants. All roses gained through dates have to be kept in the inventory - your sims cannot gain money from selling them.
Your sims cannot own any caged animals.
Your sims cannot sew, buy new clothes or use wardrobe.
Your plantsims cannot sprout plantbabies. Only exception is for a Family sim, who can sprout a single plantbaby. This plantbaby has to be cured as soon as it reaches adulthood - you are allowed to call the matchmaker for that purpose even if the other restrictions forbidding this are still in place. Until the baby is cured, it can be counted towards your goal of at least 5 plantsims in the neighborhood.
To lift this set of restrictions one of your sims has to become the King or Queen of Fae. For that you have to have at least 5 plantsims in your neighborhood and one of them needs to be BFF with all the others.
Werewolves have the power over all the animals in your neighborhood and are scaring most of them away. They can be also dangerous to all the sims.
Until this set of restrictions is lifted:
Your sims cannot own any pets.
They cannot birdwatch, hunt bugs, catch fireflies or butterflies or fish.
They cannot hire any NPCs.
They cannot go hiking.
They cannot work in law enforcement, law, criminal or military career.
They cannot leave their lot between 10PM and 4AM. The only exception is if they have maxed body skill and charisma and can pay 1000 simoleons to the werewolves (use familyfunds cheat or buy objects for that amount of money and leave them unused in your sim´s inventory) for save passage.
Your sims cannot go to University. The only exception is if they have maxed body skill and charisma skill and earned at least 5000 simoleons in scholarships. Half of the sum they have earned must be given to the werewolves.
A playable werewolf can turn only his or her spouse into a werewolf.
To lift this set of restrictions, your sim has to become the Ulfric of the Pack (*inspired by Anita Blake books). For that you need at least 5 werewolves in your neighborhood and your Ulfric needs to be BFF with all of the others.
The servos have taken over all the technology and they call it their own.
Until this set of restrictions is lifted:
Your sim cannot own any electronics except one telephone.
They can own no cars.
They can use no cabs or carpools. They have to walk everywhere, including work and school (we´ll ignore the fact that the carpool will take them back).
This also means they cannot go on vacation.
Your sims may not use any crafted robots except servos.
Only one sim in the neighborhood can make and activate servos. If he or she dies, another sim can take over.
To lift this set of restrictions, you need at least 5 Servos and a Mad Robot Maker in your town. This sim needs to be on the top of the Science career track and he or she has to be BFF with all the servos in the neighborhood. This sim doesn´t have to be the same sim that activates the servos.
Bigfoot is the ultimate business man, but unlike the other supernatural beings he doesn´t live in your town. Without him, the other fractions won´t allow your sims to do many things they´d love to do.
Until you lift this set of restrictions:
Your sims can open no businesses.
The only items that can be sold are crafted items cheaper than 200 simoleons.
Your sims have assigned careers. They can only work in a career decided by their LTW. Sims with LTWs not related to work cannot be employed.
No sims can work in the Business career track even if it is their LTW career.
To lift this set of restrictions you have to bring Bigfoot into your neighborhood.
The witches love to take your sims under their mostly evil spells. They want to restrict their usage of magical objects and make their lives less comfortable when possible.
Until this set of restrictions is lifted:
Your sims cannot use any aspiration or career rewards, including Business and Free Time perks.
Only witches and plantsims can use the Wishing Well.
Only witches can use the genie lamp.
No sims can work in the paranormal career.
Sims cannot use any objects with Comfort higher than 3.
A playable witch can only spell his or her spouse into a witch.
To lift this set of restrictions, your neighborhood needs a Grand Witch. For this you need at least 5 playable witches in your neighborhood and your Grand Witch has to be BFF with all the other witches.
Once all the restrictions have been lifted, you´ve won.