"On With My Life"

Nov 15, 2006 10:55

I guess I'll write this in here since no one reads this anyway.

My dad shot himself in the head last week.

I went from being shocked to upset to sad to angry to over it.

Honestly, he was just a burden on life and on our family.

And I mean that sincerely I swear.

I hadn't seen or talked to him in about 2 years.

Now I never will but I still don't regret it.

All the ghosts I know, I keep them locked up tight. I must be a fucking jar for all the shit I keep bottled up in me.

And I've decided that I want to be cremated. Fuck taking up space in the dirt. Fuck being worm food. I don't want to lie ROTTING in a box forever. I'd rather be nothingness. Scatter my ashes over the 99 - God knows I love driving up and down it.

This is closure.

"The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say.."
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