Yesterday me and Daniel went to his little brother's baseball game.
He wasn't too bad but watching little kids play anything makes me want to yank my hair out. But watching them is so much fun! They would get bored in the outfield and actually SIT DOWN. I saw one kid throw a clump of dirt at his own team mate. Brutal at an early age.
We were talking about how I want our kids to play soccer and Daniel said soccer is "hella brown" meaning Mexican. I want my children to be tough as nails and soccer is all about running. Conditioning for that is really intense so I hope they don't inherit Daniel's asthma. Gah soccer players have the sexiest legs by far.
Anyway we had fun eating seeds [and nachos, fun dip, and a ring pop for me] and just being there. The weather was awesome.
Daniel is pretty creative.
[Seed shape]
Which is interesting because most guys are pretty clueless when it comes to relationships. Speaking of relationships, the 9 month is coming. Dang. I never knew I could last this strong with someone. It makes me proud to know I can stick to my guns with this whole committment thing. And I'm glad that Daniel is scary/angry enough to have guys stay away from me and girls stay away from him.
When I tell him I love him, the word has a sense of promise when it rolls off my tongue.
Life is beautiful. Or brutalful as I now declare. Go ahead and steal the lingo bitches, since you can't think for yourself anyway. :D
"You're not important. Being unique is a concept."