Basically I'm just updating to post pictures of my ears. Yes, that's right. My ears. Because I think they look awesome.
Oh yeah and I had a good time on Saturday night, if anyone cares. The fights were awesome (Diego won against Kenny, obviously... and technically Forrest won against Stephan but they were BOTH given contracts with the UFC, which was awesome) and we had a good time just hanging out and drinking and whatever. Though I had to work at 8am yesterday and that was pretty brutal. After work I came home and slept until like 7pm then was awake for a bit and then went to sleep again at like 11pm. It was alright.
I don't have anything else to write about, really. I have to work at 3pm today. And tomorrow I finally have a day off. I have a bunch of school work to do plus I want to do some more writing on the new story as well as the two others that I'm writing right now (Refuge and A New Beginning). Gonna go read the friends page now...