Your the Icing on my cake

May 22, 2004 11:06

Last night was fun. I beat Ashley (the guy) at Basketball. Me and Geo took everyone's clothes and drove away when they were swimming. Tis mucho funny.

**Today Is my Mom's BIRTHDAY! yay! We went shopping for her last night! Yay.**

The miller twin thinks I put gum on her lock. haha. Tyler got gum in his hair and he didn't do it either. lmao.

People get ugly when they get older. example #1. Paul Rodriguez (the skater) :0( makes me sad. lol

I saw someone I haven't seen in a while and I didn't even recgonize them and how they acted. We were fake nice and it made me see how much things change.
If there is one concept I will never be able to grasp in my life it will be that things always change. Even if you stay the same everything else won't and you will be left behind. And everything changes. Even I myself change. Hopefully they are all good changes.

and another concept is why people always need to feel like they are superior to someone else. you work your whole life to buy that nice house or that nice car just so you won't be less-superior to someone else. you spend your life savings to fit in, and to have what everyone else has then when people ask you why you have all the latset technology or the newest car you say "because I am unique and I have money to waste!" And I am happy that you have pleased your simple minded self because in the long run its just about making yourself happy. Its just sad that something so materialistic pleases you. And its your money that makes children in third-world countires die everyday because you are so superior you rather not help the bum becasue afterall you did 'earn' your money. and then again your father did gave you his trustfund. I hate how people brag about what they have...makes me sick. yah yah

Have a nice day eveyone :0)
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