i am so in love with him
- cuddles me when i just want to be held
- looks at me with his eyes wide and a grin on his face about to squeeeze me tight and tell me he loves me
- he never gets sick of seeing me or thinks hes seen me too much in one week
- we can never get enough of each other
- every time together feels like the first
- i still get giddy when i wanna kiss him or if he kisses me outa nowhere
- i think about him all the time
- my room is decorated with nick 'N melissa memorabelia like the "melissa" he cut out of a carrot box at work. haha. so cute and thoughtful
my heart is with you, from then until forever. somehow u will always have a peice of my heart even if something happens and we go our seperate ways. i will always love you. you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. thank you for always listening, always being there for me, and for being you. I LOVE YOU SUPERMAN