Having a car

May 13, 2005 21:49

Iven and I finally have a car! FINALLY! It's so nice doing those everyday things, going grocery shopping, not having to take the bus to work, being able to get lots of stuff at the store because now we don't have to haul it all on and off the bus, going to the doctor without having to take 4 buses, things that small I appreciate so much now that we have a car that maybe I would have taken advantage of before. It's really nice. Thank goodness for Iven's grandpa. :) We are so thankful. It will also be nice seeing Iven and like 6:30 at night instead of 7 or 7:30 and worrying about taking the bus or missing the bus, and missing him. He'll be right home from work, and we can enjoy our evenings now like a husband and wife should. It will also be nice when I go into labor to not have to think about taking the bus to the hospital, or how I'm gonna get my new baby home, cuz we have a car! Ok, I'm done now. :)
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