Aug 14, 2005 01:39
Birthday was good. I'll do a massive picture update once I get back to school and have the bandwidth to handle it.
I just finished the new Harry Potter. so fucking sad. a book hasnt done this to me since I read A Song of Ice and Fire the first time. I'm very impressed by Rowling. she's been getting edgier and edgier the further she goes into the series and the blunt way that she handles things in this new book is really nice after having the shit annoyed out of me by the sweetness of the first 3 books. I expect little kids to be in tears or a rage when they get to the end of this one. and that's good.
a bitching post should be coming up soon too. I've been holding it in for a while. dont worry I'll LJ cut it and make it friends only so all of my faithful readers(I know there's a ton of you) wont have to read it unless you really want to hear some whining.