Log: Meeting Xhaiden

Apr 30, 2008 11:21

Who: Giremi, Xhaiden
When: 8:16 on day 16, month 3, Turn 16, of the Tenth Interval.
Where: Fort Road, Between Harper/Healer and Fort Hold
What: Giremi's out for an early morning walk before classes start and bumps into Xhaiden on an errand.

Morning is often not a favorite time of many, but one Harper's up and about, apparently getting in a walk before his day starts. Looming along the Fort Road between Harper and the Hold, Giremi walks along enjoying the fresh spring air, hands clasped behind back, stride long and humming quietly.

Xhaiden looks to be one of those early and up as well, though from his expression not of his own choice. He carries a pack over one lean shoulder and is bent to the purpose of walking, his frame bent forward, eyes squinted and mouth working as he talks to himself. Upon spotting another on the road though he quickly corrects his stance and assumes a more casual manner.

Like many active boys, Xhaiden is nothing but skin and bone over lean muscle. His hands and feet are large, just waiting for his whip-cord thin body to grow into their size. Even his features need some growing into, the chin with it's dimple and cheekbones and nose overly pronounced in his thin face. The impish curve of his mouth don't seem quite fitted to his long face. For now though, he is only around 5 foot tall, hovering on the brink of adolescence. For all the underfed-look to him, he is healthy and carries himself with a self assurance beyond his few turns. Tanned bronze by the sun, he has a fine line of dark pin-points across his cheek bones and bridge of his nose. His hair is kept long, but neatly trimmed, the top is white-blonde while beneith is deep brown, nearly black. From under the frindge of gold, his sapphire eyes shine with a michevious fire of mirth and merriment, as though some manner of trouble-making is always in the works just behind the all too innocent guise.
He wear fine clothing for a child of his age. The light weight tunic is a shimmering peacock blue with feather-shaped buttons of polished bone. The breeches are slate, trimmed with gold and matching peacock blue embroidery like feathers spiralling down to pile up at the cuffs of the legs. Short, soft boots clad his feet, matching the wide leather belt. A stylish dagger is sheathed at his hip, the hilt intercately carved with a fishing scene on the exposed side.

Giremi slows a little as he crosses paths with the dark-haired teen and he nods politely. "Good morning, Harper's duties." Beat. "Have you lost something?" Mildly inquired and likely referring to that prior posture the young man had adopted.

Xhaiden turns towards the harper as he meets him on the road and sweeps a hand up to his hair, letting his fingers slick back the forelock momentarily, " ah... Fort hold's duties." The question prompts a wry smile, "just my good humor is all." As he shrugs he drops his hand away, "no worries though, if there is pie at healer hall, it'll all be better."

"Ah. I suppose it wouldn't be very polite of me to pry. But yes, pies can often make a decent cure for lost good humor," Giremi quips dryly and pushes a small smile onto his face. "Why the Healer Hall though? Are the Hold's cooks set against you?"

Xhaiden looks over his shoulder back towards the hold in silence and the look on his face registers a certain distaste before turning back to the harper with a markedly less bright smile, "oh, it's not that. I just have to deliver this for the Steward and wait around a bit for an answer. I figure I might as well get breakfast or lunch while I wait. I mean, they'd feed a firelizard if they sent /it/ on a task." He looks the harper over thoughtfully and asks, "what are you about sir? If it's not too nosey that is."

"Ah yes, that can often be a side effect of messenger duty," Giremi replies agreeably. But gee isn't he formal. "I hope they'll give you a very nice pie then." The harper manages another smile and tilts his head up at the sky briefly. "Merely enjoying the fresh air before I head back to a day full of classes. I've much teaching and mentoring to do today. I find that things go more smoothly if I take the time to settle my mind with a walk first."

Xhaiden looks uncertain how to handle the harper, still trying to get a feel for the stranger, "thanks. Healers know how to feed people, that's for sure." He rubs his stomach, not looking as though he eats nearly enough. "Ah...lessons huh? Boy, do I ever miss the harper back home."

"Really. I've generally found everywhere else to be better at putting together things that are tasty. YOu never know if there's going to be something medicinal slipped in by accident after all," the Harper points out thoughtfully. Being on the lanky end of the build scale himself, Giremi likewise looks like he could stand a few extra helpings at meals. "Yes. Mostly archives. I'm an Archivist by specialty," explains the Journeyman and a slightly wider smile than previous follows. "Did you enjoy your harper lessons greatly?"

Xhaiden's mouth turns down and he licks his lips like he's tasting something bad suddenly, "ugh, I never thought of it. And now that you say that....I know someone I wouldn't put past doing something like that." Then he shrugs it off, tucking that bit of information away mentally. "Archivist huh? You ever study maps and stuff like that? Or just keep track of records and stuff? I liked our harper the best for lessons, he didn't mind if the notes weren't perfect, and it was fun. But, it's sort of for kids ya know."

"Oh? Has the Healer Hall gotten itself a prankster?" Giremi's curiosity is mild at best, his entire manner still polite and former. "Yes, all sorts of Records, not just reports and histories. I've done a fair bit of map-making," the journeyman explains further, then clears his throught lightly. "Ah." About the lack of perfection and a little tic twitches briefly in his jaw. "I'm glad you enjoyed your classes. I was posted at Telgar Weyr for some turns and I did like teaching the Weyr's children." Whether they liked his lessons as much as he liked giving them might be debatable, if not immediately obvious. He might seem like a bit of a stick in the mud.

Xhaiden shakes his head slowly and grins, "I couldn't speak for the pranksters." He's not going to rat anyone out, no way. The corners of his mouth do twitch upward a fraction though at the 'secret'. "Telgar huh? I was there once, making a delivery. Not very nice though." He sniffs slightly, "they do not know how to show respect to guests. That is the way weyrs are with holders from the way I've heard it." And first impressions clearly inset that notion. "I'd like to learn more about map reading. You know...as a hobby and such." The boy is a little too casual about that, rubbing at the back of his neck after a moment.

"Ahh well, probably wisest, sometimes pranks aren't met with the kindest of discipline," Giremi opines with another tilt of his head up to the sky. "Mm. My grandmother lives there and my mother grew up there so it seemed a good place to have a first posting." Brows lift. "Not very nice? And I'd have to argue that point. Though in the end, I suppose it depends entirely on whom you met. For example, I might gain the same opinion of the Hold if I met the crankiest, most disagreeable person in the Hold on my first visit there." The journeyman shoots an assessing look over at the lad then the corner of his mouth pulls slightly, not quite a smile. "Is that a request?"

Xhaiden shrugs a little, "well, I don't have to live in that place, so they can keep their creepy, ill mannered girls." He clears his throat a little, trying to avoid being offensive to the weyr, "No disrespect to the weyr and all, I'm sure many people think it's just fine but....I guess I'm just more comfortable in a hold." in the end he shrugs again, still rubbing at the nape of his neck, "I don't know, maybe? I'm not sure my father would approve of my time being wasted." The words come out sour as he hand drops away, "nor yours."

Giremi's brows hike up again. "Creepy, ill-mannered girls." A pause follows and he clears his throat in it. "Tiriana, Ephara or Carys?" he asks instead, eyeing the young holder lad with ... well it's probably humor but it's very subtle. "And it's true that weyr ways are not for everyone," the harper concedes. "Why would learning map-making be a waste of time?"

Xhaiden shudders and then makes a face, "see, there are a lot of icky girls in that place. They don't even know their place. At least at our hold women are more respectful." He eyes the harper warily a moment and then shakes himself a little bit. "Really not for me. Fort weyr isn't so bad though. They take good care of us eh?" At least he's got that local pride. "Ah....I don't think it would be personally, but my father has different ideas. How would that help around the hold? I could be learning more about grain management and plot rotations at the least or should work with the Steward....which is all and good really...." but clearly less than exciting.

"There's respectful and then there's submissive, don't mistake the two," Giremi offers over, hands shifting to drop into his pockets. "Those three in particular are ... quite feisty," he murmurs, eyes dropping down to the ground in front of him, something wry passing across his face. "Fort? Certainly, keep our skies clear. My brother is the Weyrlingmaster there." The harper considers Xhaiden's father's opinions and nods once. "I can see his perspective, but mapping out the lands around your hold might prove useful too, hm?"

Xhaiden chuckles, "I like submissive women I guess. Not too much sass in them. Although I like my sisters well enough and they are pretty sassy, just don't...I don't know..." hard to put a finger on the difference really. "You've got a point there. Bet I could get my uncle to side with me on that. He's good at dealing with my father." The lad shrugs up his shoulders. "So, you like having a dragonrider in the family? You get to go to the weyr a lot?"

"I'll err on the side of proper behavior myself. A woman with spirit who knows when it's appropriate to let that side of her show and when not is formidable and highly attractive," Giremi offers up his own opinion on women and he inclines his head slightly about the maps. "Come by the Hall should it be approved, the paying students usually tackle some basic map-making on third days, afternoons. If you want private tutoring, that'll cost a lot more, but I might be able to work out some kind of trade with you as well." There's another one of his little polite smiles. "I'm weyrbred actually. Born and raised at High Reaches Weyr and my parents are riders as well, so really it's more a case that I can't imagine not having riders in the family. Every other week. My brother and I trade off having drinks at his place or at mine. Have done for several turns now. And I head up to the Reaches roughly once a month."

Xhaiden's nose crinkles up a little, "Highreaches huh?" It's not a look of distaste, more childish thoughtfulness. "That's sort of neat. I mean, boys back home would give up eye teeth for that sort of thing ya know. Our hold is pretty....remote. I'm Xhaiden by the way." he offers out his hand. "I am pretty sure I can get some marks for private lessons." He lifts his chin proudly, looking almost smug.

"Mm. I suppose that's true, I've encountered that attitude before," Giremi muses thoughtfully. "And yes. High Reaches. Up in the snow. My family's from cold places in general. Reaches. Telgar." Wry grin. And his palm crosing Xhaiden's hands shaking. "Giremi, well met Xhaiden," he replies promptly, in the proper manner. "Well then, if you've the marks, there's no impediment whatsoever. Do let me know when you'd like to start."

Xhaiden's lips quick a little before he chuckles, "cold places, man, I can do without that. I stayed at Boll for a bit and man that was great stuff. Beaches and jungles and fishing and swimming." He shakes his head, "I could have lived there forever." He draws his hand back after the introduction. "I'm going on a trip for my Turnday but when I get back I'll send word to you."

Giremi nods acknowledgement. "Boll is nice to visit," is the agreeable response. "I like having seasons though." His hand returns to his pocket with the introductions completed. "Ahh. Well. Do enjoy your trip Xhaiden and I'll look forward to hearing from you. For now though, I should get back to the Hall." With a glance at the angle of the sun in the sky. "Classes start soon."

Xhaiden nods in understanding, "I should get going as well. If I don't show up they'll come looking and I don't need any more trouble." He flashes a sly grin and then waves, "I look forward to classes." And with that he begins trudging on his way.

xhaiden, giremi

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