Log: Apprentices in the Kitchen

Apr 16, 2008 09:22

Who: Aeriste, Calliosae, Giremi
When: 15:34, 1/11/16
Where: Kitchen, Harper Hall
What: Giremi meets a pair of apprentices, a diva and a bookworm by all appearances. He manages to ruffle the diva. Lovely start to his new tenure as a basic Archives instructor.

In his mid-teens, Aeriste is tall for his age and very slender. Chin-length white-blond hair frames his sharp features and complements his very pale skin, and his vivid blue eyes are the only color in his bleached-out countenance.
He's clad in a cobalt blue shirt, a black vest embroidered with pale gold thread, black trousers, and soft black boots. At his shoulder is the knot of a senior Harper apprentice.

A young girl with brown hair to her mid-back, limp hanging and nothing interesting to it. Pulled back or worn down often, she's got a rather boring style for her hair. Her eyes clash with the dark brown of her hair, a shade of blue but simply matching the color of her skin. Her eyes are wide and full of childish innocence, constantly exploring the world around her. She stands at about 4'8" and is still growing as she's rather short for her age. She wears clothing traditional of a young girl from a Hold, dresses and skirts mostly when she can. Occasionally she will dawn herself in pants and a simple top when needed.
This girl appears to be 13 Turns, 8 months, and 18 days old.

Afternoon at the Harper Hall often finds apprentices in chore sections or on break and 'on break' seems to be one Journeyman's present occupation. Giremi's retreated to the big old beaten up leather chairs in the kitchen with a mug of klah balanced on one knee and a slender book in one hand, peaceably reading. Behind him there's banging and business: the staff readying the evening meal.

Aeriste favors that alcove, too. When he slips in through the hustle and bustle, filced klah in hand, that's where he goes... but ah, there's someone there with whom he's not terribly familiar, and so he hesitates.

Calliosae wanders into the kitchens, a sack hanving over her shoulder, the girl has her nose to a book quietly studying away. Behind this book is a journal that is scribbled with notes upon notes. Somehow, she finds a seat without bumping into anyone, at least from her point of view. Once at the table, she's scribbling more notes.

Giremi looks up from his book as Aeriste's footsteps approach and then stop. The Journeyman fixes the lad with a measuring look and clears his throat. "May I help you, Apprentice?" The thump of a book going down onto a table and the scratch of pencil over page distracts briefly to where Calliosae's set herself down nearby. "I'll assume no chores this afternoon for either of you," he continues with a slight, wry smile curling up the corner of his mouth.

"I've been virtuously practicing, sir! Last night. All day. A new role." Enough that Aeriste's voice is a little hoarse from overwork. "I have to get it right." The glittery look in his eyes is that of a boy obsessed. "But if I don't stop now, I'll be ruined forever, I know it. If I'm not already. But now you've claimed my resting spot, and so has someone else."

Calliosae glances up quietly, her cheeks flushing a light shade of pink. "I just got out of my extra lessons..." She murmurs, slowly setting down her sack of books with a sigh of relief. Then Aeriste gets a look, her brows drawing into a frown. "Don't be like that, Aeri. You'll make him mad. And, your voice is hoarse. Drink some water. Deri warned me about practicing too much and you've gone and done it. I'm not telling you how to fix it, either." Another pointed look at the boy before she smiles brightly at Giremi. "I'm Calliosae.." Is all she offers before she's looking towards that book again.

"Ah. Vocalist then," Giremi figures out after a focused moment of study of Aeriste and one brow arches at his fervor. "There's more than one chair," he points out logically and tips his chin towards one of said. "Tea, with a little sweet syrup, helps to soothe an overpracticed throat," the Journeyman continues. Calliosae's smile earns another small one from him. "Giremi, Archives Journeyman, recently returned from Telgar Weyr, well met."

"I'm a delicate and sensitive instrument," Aeriste informs her. "I must rise to this occasion! I must..." And he trails off. Introductions, right. "But, uh. Thank you both. I'm Aeriste. Of here, because where I was born's to terrible to even contemplate, unless you like plowing and bovines, ugh." And he whirls away to fetch himself some tea with a little sweet syrup.

Calliosae giggles softly, despite her nose in the book and the note-taking. "You're good." She points out to Giremi. "Though, it's not hard to figure out with his voice being worn, and all..." She shrugs her shoulders and glances up again, another bright smile. "I see.. I'm from one of the smaller Holds of Southern Bowl. Well met. What's it like in the Weyr?" She asks curiously, "are all the Weyrs the same, in atmosphere at least? They don't have awful women chasing after poor boys, do they?" A slight frown and she watches Aeriste for a moment before she's jotting down more notes.

This little display of Aeriste merely earns a measured look from Giremi and he clears his throat. "I'm from the High Reaches originally. The Weyr. But I've been posted for the last five turns." His blue-eyed gaze returns to Calliosae and he considers her gravely. "I've been a Harper since I was your age and I remember the travails of vocalists." The voice he uses is quiet, gentle almost for the younger apprentice. Her words about Weyrs though close off his expression somewhat. "There's similarities between all Weyrs but I would not characterize them as all the same." Beat. "As for awful women, that depends entirely on whether or not you consider being chased to be an awful thing. Some boys might actually like it."

"You chase boys," Aeriste informs Calliosae when he returns. He leans against the wall of the alcove instead of sitting, tea in hand. "Does that make you awful?" His gaze flicks from her to Giremi, curious, intent.

Calliosae gives a slight nod, frowning slightly. "I see.. Well, I like High Reaches. I saw the Hatching there and there were a lot of nice people..." She trails off, smiling now and relaxing once more before the notes continue. Though his comment on women brings another frown, her note writing stopping for a minute. A deep breath and she slowly relaxes but Aeriste brings forth a shade of angry red. "I do not chase /boys/. I've never chased /anyone/. And if you say I chased Deri, he is my /friend/. So /there/."

"Since you're both still apprentices, I will simply point out that neither of you should be chasing anyone. Boy or girl," Giremi says evenly and tilts his mug of klah up to his mouth, sipping slowly. "And I'm pleased, Calliosae that you enjoyed your visit to the home of my birth. I'm sure you likely saw my mother there, she was helping on the Sands that day."

"-I- don't chase anything except perfection, sir," Aeriste states with airy disdain, "And that can't ever be found in anyone." And he takes a sip of tea, because the edge to his voice is sharper than he likes. Calliosae just gets a slight, one-shouldered shrug.

Calliosae flushes another shade, giving Aeriste a look. "I'll need your help later, Aeriste, on a few of my assignments if you'd be so kind?" She asks softly, taking a breath to regain her composure before smiling at Giremi. "It was lovely. I didn't meet anyone, though. Residents, that is. Who is your mother?" She questions softly, tilting her head. Her head tilts away and she quietly returns to her notes, not looking towards the other apprentice.

"You might be surprised," murmurs Giremi to Aeriste, with another mild little smile. His gaze returns to Calliosae. "Emilly, green Sionath's rider. And perhaps sometime if you'd like to go back, you could assist me. I may have archival work to do there this turn."

"Of course." For all of Aeriste's abrasiveness, his assent to Calliosae's request is unhesitating. Giremi's murmur just earns him a slight shake of the vocalist's head. "What did you need help with?"

Calliosae blinks at Giremi, just missing his comment towards Aeriste. She shrugs it off, insstead, she smiles much more brightly and the color returns to her cheeks. "Would you? I'd love to go. I heard one of the candidates who was nice to me Impressed and I'd love to visit her. Oh, would you let me go? I wouldn't slip on my studies either. I've been spending all my time studying." She points out quietly, then glances at Aeriste. "I'll tell you later, it'll be easier then rather than have you explain it while I'm working on something else."

"It better not be a love song," Aeriste informs her. "I'm sick of love songs. Pointless drivel, I tell you, even if it appeases the masses." And he takes another sip of tea.

Calliosae wrinkles her nose, shaking her head. "If I wanted to write a love song, I'd do it myself because it'd mean more that way." She points out, grinning a bit. "Besides, I don't think you could pick the proper words." And, the notes continue. "No, it's on something else. No songs."

Aeriste tilts his head to the side. "It -better- be interesting, then, if you're going to leave me in so much suspense."

Calliosae laughs softly, tilting her head. "Whenever would you find studying interesting? Unless you do like studying, then never mind what I just said." Giggling, she quietly continues her notes. "Should finish that tea if you want to get your voice back."

"Of course I like studying, why would I be here if I didn't? Or you?" sniffs Aeriste. Still, he takes her advice and finishes off his tea, and then turns to fetch himself more.

Calliosae laughs softly, "I mean in /love/ with studying." She points out with a grin. "I don't mind studying, but I have to study harder. I told you my goals already, I'm going to do my best to reach them as soon as possible." Smiling as he finishes his tea, her note taking continues.

Quiet during the banter between the two Apprentices, Giremi clears his throat and cuts back in. "I find that assiduous attention to studying is its own reward. So it sounds to me like Calliosae here has the right idea about how to make things work, Aeriste." The Journeyman sips from his mug again, settling back comfortably in his seat and crosses one leg over the other. "As for the Reaches, certainly, I'll keep it in mind for when my work takes me that way."

Aeriste looks over his shoulder at Giremi, his smile sidelong and faint. "You don't know me very well, sir, if you think that -I- should be told that."

Calliosae flushes a shade of pink as Giremi clears his throat, giggling softly. "I didn't study a lot before. I just got by, but I'm trying really hard now." A bright smile and she glances over at Aeriste slightly, tilting her head. "Don't be such a baby about it.." Trailing off she glances at Giremi again. "I'd really love that, if I could come.. Thank you."

"Seeing as I've only just met you, I can truly say, that I barely know you at all. However, just in the past few minutes, it's seemed apparent to me that you're dedicated to only one aspect of your studies?" Giremi's brows lift a little as he regards Aeriste curiously. "How long have you been an Apprentice, Calliosae?" inquires the Journeyman with a slight nod of acknowledgement for her admission and her thanks.

Aeriste's face flushes slightly, and he sets the new cup down, undrunk. "I do well in all of my studies, sir. I construct fine instruments, my writing is neat, my composition simple but acceptable. Pardon my assiduous attention to that one in which I excel the most."

Calliosae smiles brightly, then giving Aeriste a smile as well. "I've almost been here for a Turn now. I did some studying in my home Hold before my Uncle sent me at the request of our harper..." She trails off, grinning. "I intend to become a young Journeyman." She points out, glancing at Aeriste but not saying anything to him.

"And do you know all of your history, the finer points of law, can you bind a book and restore a hide?" Giremi inquires of Aeriste placidly. "A full turn, so you're well settled in. I sent an Apprentice here myself about a turn ago. Yronica." He smiles at the girl's ambition. "A worthy goal, though, don't forget to spend a little time smelling the roses too. In between studies."
Aeriste's gaze narrows slightly, and his chin lifts a fraction of an inch. "I wouldn't be a senior apprentice," he bites out, "If I slacked. Sir."

Calliosae giggles again, nodding. "I think so, too. But, I won't forget. I take breaks now and then. In the gardens, despite the snow. It's really lovely there. I can't wait until they bloom again." Then Aeriste is speaking again and she gives him a look. "Aeriste, stop being so prideful..." She almost hisses in response, wrinkling her nose. "It's not becoming of you."
"That doesn't really answer the question," Giremi replies, unperturbed by the Apprentice's biting tone. "It is nice to walk in the garden. I remember enjoying some time there when I was your age."

"Yes! All that I've been taught, I know." And Aeriste adds to Calliosae, irritably, "This, from the girl who's told me her life's ambition is to marry her true love? Did you find some newfound appreciation for learning after he left, then, to keep you company?" His voice edges a little close to cracking to his liking on that last syllable, and he snaps his trap shut.

Calliosae nods her head, smiling. "The gardens is very relaxing, no matter what the season." She points out, smiling brightly. A pause and she gives Aeriste a look. "That is not my life's ambition. It is one of my goals." She points out quietly, turning her head away. "I was already studying more before he left, meanie.. I'd be like this even if he was still here so leave me alone." She hisses out, not looking over towards the other apprentice anymore. She's staring intensely at her paper, tears in her eyes.

"Very good memory," Giremi says with an impressed look and then lifts his mug again. Likely because he's hiding a grin behind it at Aeriste's question to Calliosae. He clears his throat once he's swallowed. "Finding someone to share your life with is a worthy goal too, but not worth getting too wrapped up in. There's much more to life than ... romance."

Aeriste just folds his arms and leans against the alcove wall and looks rather disgruntled. "I'm from a farmhold. It's true that I'd rather do nothing else but sing. But if my voice doesn't become brilliant again, being a second-rate hack or going back to that place just because I didn't apply myself to other things are not my idea of an acceptable future. I may be a prideful meanie, Journeyman Giremi, Calliosae, but I'm no fool!" Mad, now, maybe.

Calliosae gives Giremi a look, tears still in her eyes but she refuses to let them fall. "I know! I didn't come here for romance. I didn't come here for love. True love would be nice but I'm not here for /that/. I came here for myself. to get away from the Hold so I can be a vocalist. I love singing.. But I want to know everything else, too... I want to become a Journeyman for myself." She points out then glares at Aeriste. "No one said you were /stupid/, meanie."

"I never called you a meanie," Giremi points out calmly and pushes up to his feet. "And learning a wide breadth of things is a very good idea. I'm an Archivist myself, I'm always happy when I find someone who's interested in Archives. It's a rare thing." For Calliosae there's an encouraging smile. "True love ... would be very nice," he agrees with her quietly and he reaches out to offer an awkward pat to her shoulder. "Now then, I've work to do and if you have basic archives, I'll be seeing you in class next seven when I pick up my teaching rotation. Good afternoon to you both."

calliosae, giremi, aeriste

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