Jun 27, 2006 18:06
day after tomorrow i start this new speed reading and comprehension class. i was already in one class, but i was, by far, the smartest kid there. i found that i didn't know how people act in an english class when they're stupid. i now know. i am not impressed. i was ready to shoot myself.
...you know in, say, a kindergarden class when the teacher asks a question and all the kids raise their hands and then when one of them is picked they sit there for a moment, then go, "um.....uhh... i dunno....." and you think to yourself, "if you didn't know, why did you raise your hand then???". there are a few of those kinds of kids.
the teacher is just awful. she's one of those people that tries to boost everyone's self esteem- no matter what. you could be making up the most random, idiotic answer you could imagine (i've been quite close to doing this) and she would tell you what a wonderful answer that was and how she liked the words you chose or some crap like that - all the while, making extreme eye contact with you and nodding and mentioning your name multiple times.
overall, she freaks me out.
but ill soon be in a class of incoming seniors and college kids. im told there's a few juniors too. im excited/awkward (as usual).
ive been so popular this summer, by which i mean i've hung out a lot with the same people. i just keep forgetting to call anyone else. but eh, the usual is doing just fine. we've gone shopping and eating and not eating and driving and swimming and believing in fortune cookies and i've seen howl's moving castle twice.
and i finally got my license a week ago. so im driving all over the place when no one needs the car.
i just need some money. where is that damn pay check of mine?