hmmm... so maybe summer's not as great as i imagined...

Jun 07, 2006 16:06

i mean, im totally digging the non-homework but im still "waking up" up 6:30 (which means that's when my alarm sounds. im up by 7:15ish).
i've gone through 2 days of work and i want a car so bad. i have to seriously walk about 2 1/2 miles everyday to the train station from work and from the station to home. my legs hurt like hell. i love how walking every day in gym has helped me in no way known to man.

i do love work though (camp counsler). my kids are the cutest things ever. and most of the kids from last year still remember me (even by name!). well that's what happens when you work with toddlers. i love it though. plus, im slowly tanning (minimal skin cancer!).

the problem is i don't get paid till the end of the month. and i keep going out and spending money. me and jon went to the mall yesterday. it was so awesome. my keen fashion sense led some pre teen punk/indie/oh-so-cool girls to stalk us around a book store. i bought the garden state soundtrack because it makes me happy. i sang in the car and jon was not thrilled.

and we passed this creepy looking broken down car by st. charles and swift. there was crap strewn all about the inside of the car, a huge tarp covering some stuff in the passenger seat, and a giant gash in the rear window with glass shards all around it. it was creepy as hell. and we called and told the police station after we looked at it and i had ran back to the car fearing a corpse.

jons baby cat tried to poop on me. it was cute anyway.
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