Five more comics and some life updates under the cut!
Still kinda depressed about life in general and comics in particular, hence the sparse updates. Oh, I got a job with the US Census, though! It's only for two months, but it's full time and the pay is pretty decent. Everyone I talk to about the job is worried that some Tea Partier types are gonna jump me or something, but I'm not exactly concerned. Plus, that Census worker they found hanged with "fed" carved in his chest appears to have been a suicide, and that's one of the things most people mention in their concern. I'm excited to make some money, maybe enough to move out if I can get a job to start as soon as the census is done. That's what sucks about it being temporary- I don't get to stop my job hunt. Job hunting is the worst!
Okay dudes, I'ma try to post a comic on Friday and get back with posting these regularly, rather than in batches like this. I also need to get back with commenting on my lj pals' posts again, I've fallen out of the habit.