Words and comic under the cut!
Of course, I don’t think I would ever wear a shirt that said I was racist, even if it was against like cancer or something. You just don’t need a shirt that starts out “I’m racist,” especially when it’s against sort of obscure term like “pedant.” People might just think you’re racist against some obscure people group they’re not familiar with, and beat your ass anyway. My parents didn’t know what it meant, and they’re doctors. So I guess me thinking the term is worth making a comic about kind of makes me a pedant? Whoops.
Also, yesterday, with Thomas’ help, I finished up the yard! That grass better goddamn take. I swear. Also, my college’s homecoming is this Saturday, and since we’re all frustrated with our post-college lives, practically every person who has ever been in the comic will be there. Should be a riotous time. Possibly literally, we’ll see.