May 06, 2010 14:33
Respond, and I'll ask you five questions.
Then you answer them in a new post.
Wash, rinse, and repeat.
Here are my answers to Annie's questions--
1. If aliens were to land on planet, what would they look like?
Oooooh I don't even know. I guess it would depend where they're from, because that would heavily affect how the creatures there evolve. Even then, I'm sure just like Earth, there would be millions of different kinds of creatures, so it's so hard to say. I'd love to still be around when we discover life on another planet/body though.
2. What is one food you could eat for a month strait and not get tired of it?
I have crepes almost every day, but I'm not sure that counts, since there's such a wide variety of possible fillings. So I'll say stuffed shells in marinara.
3. What is your favorite flavor combo for a birthday cake? (cake, filling, icing)
I've gotten really into carrot cake lately, but I think my all-time favorite is chocolate banana cake with a cream-based icing, and strawberry in the center. :) yummmmm!
4. If you could date a fictional character, who would it be?
Oooohhhh this is too hard. Mainly because I don't read very much fiction. I'm going to have to be lame and pass.
5. You won an all expense paid trip of your choosing. Where would you go, and what would be the first thing you'd do?
Oooooh. I'm torn between Prague and France. If France, I would immediately find my way to a bakery. If Prague, I would probably just start off with a reallyyyy long walk. I think I would choose France, but I'm not sure what region.