I've been told I say "epic" too much. Probably true.

Aug 13, 2009 18:41

Today was a little bit outrageous. Work was normal, except I went on a one hour obsessive cleaning spree. Oh wait, that's normal, too. Work was normal. Headed over to the art gallery that I want to put paintings in. They took my name, phone number, and email address. So we'll see.

Then I decided to walk home. I don't know why. Especially since it's like a thousand degrees out. Got sidetracked on the way back and wandered into Calvary Catholic cemetery. Again, I don't know why. So I mosied around in there for a little while. Very pretty. Eventually made my way back home, covered in sweat and super dehydrated. [Significantly moreso than usual, I mean.]

I decided I want to do a huge acrylic painting. I mean huge. I don't think they make canvas big enough, and if they do, I can't afford it right now anyway. Well, I get paid tomorrow, but I was feeling impatient [what else is new?]. So I took a queen-sized white bedsheet from my closet. Cut off the frilly trim. And tacked it to the wall. !Voila'! Mega-canvas achieved. I think we all know I don't like painting on normal things anyway. ;P So sometime in the near future, it will become a very pretty, very large painting of some California Poppies. I'm so excited about it!!! There will likely be WIP pictures along the way. I actually think bedsheets might be my new canvas of choice. Preeeetty awesome. ...Sorry, cabinet door! <3

Also, since the radio told me that there was zero chance of rain tonight, I figured today would be a good time to paint the shutters. So I crawl precariously through a very skinny window, out on to the porch roof. You know what happens when a roof has been sitting in 80 degree sunlight for 7 straight hours? It gets FUCKING HOT. So now the soles of my feet are minorly burnt. Awesome. [The roof is just slanted enough that I feel a lot more comfortable without shoes. Better grip with my bare feet.] After doing one shutter, I realized the other side is right next to a pretty large wasp nest. [Hornet? Wasp? I can never remember which is which. It doesn't matter; they were both flying around.] They kinda realized I was there and wouldn't let me get too close. Unfortunately, this happened to be next to the only window I can crawl through. So I was trapped on my roof for about 40 minutes until they finally left. Talked to my mom on the phone for a long time, lol. At one point, a bee also seemed to temporarily think my foot might be a flower. Super scary. As soon as I got the chance, I crawled back through that damn window and slammed it shut. I'm not finishing this painting job until I get a can of Raid and can annihilate those fuckers. Hot damn.
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