FB deactivation

Jan 10, 2017 20:09

In case you've not already seen I have deactivated my facebook account. I might be back on there in the future but just not at the moment. It all stemmed from some "friends" getting a bit hot under the collar about getting lives sent to them from a game (Diamond Dash) and complaining to me about them.

I started by getting rid of the game from my page, then a few friends told me that individuals could stop their own accounts from getting the updates which made ME more pissed off, so I thought "fuck it. I'll deactivate the account entirely". Now I feel even worse.

Maybe I became too reliant on spending my time on there? Maybe it'll do me good to have a break from it entirely? I dunno, because at the moment I feel a bit like someone's cut off my left hand and I can't stop bloody crying!

All this because of a sodding game.

I'll be missing things from work. And things from friends that didn't/don't use Livejournal. But I'll just have to cope with that won't I?

Anyway, it's nearly food time. Maybe things will feel a bit better after food.

I know some people will probably think I'm an arse for getting so het up over the reaction from a couple of people over a game but my head is a little mangled and Mum is still in hospital and we've no idea what's happening or how long she'll be in or anything. So playing Diamond Dash was a bit of a mental pressure-valve release. A few minutes to not concentrate on anything but that. And it's part of the reason I played it so much. Maybe I'm overdue looking for an alternative mind diversion, eh?
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