Update on last post...

Mar 21, 2009 12:53

Well, as expected, the meeting on Monday was to tell us that we're "at risk" of redundancy again. All the team are included again and we've no idea what's going to happen in the next few months (ie, if we'll come off the list as we did last time). Thing is, there was another email that went round that more or less said that people that are at risk at a later date will only get a one-month consultation period, whereas ours is three, so other people could end up leaving before us, depending on how things go.

Most people appear to feel rather demoralised, bu it's nothing we didn't ever expect to happen, although we did sot of think/hope that with everything Capita said in the early days of the buyout there would be jobs for us all as long as we wanted them, but that's not the nature of Capita anyway.

s for me, well I'm not sure how I think or feel at present. I've been there nearly eleven years now - it's the longest I've ever managed to stay anywhere, workwise, however I am in a better position than some of my workmates if I don't find anything straight away because I have the part-time jobs. If the redundancy happens, we'll find out in June and then I have antother thirteen weeks before my notice period is up.

On another note, I'm going to apply to do the MAPIT course in Anomalous Investigation. I know who to make the payment to now, after a chance phone call I made a couple of weeks ago and someone actually answering on the other end. I was amazed I didn't get the answering machine like I have before! I'm also reapplying for my SIA license at the end of the month as it expires in July and I want to keep it going.

Thursday night saw Ian and I going down to the Old Queen's Head in town and meeting up with Sheffield Paranormal Invesigations. I've sort of volunteered to do training as a Medium Sitter (a bit like a baby sitter, but involving working with a Medium when they go into trance states and keeping an eye on them, I think). I also said I'd be interestd in Medium development, but I'm not sure what will come of that. Ian even volunteered to be a post-researcher (looking into the history of places they visit on investigations after the investigation has taken place). I'm booked onto two (paid) vigils next month through Ghost Night Events (at the Old Queen's head) and Fright Nights (at the Galleries of Justice in Nottingham) respectively.

Plans to go to Thailand next April are also a little firmer, though I have nothing booked yet. I'll most likely be staying with Richard or his folks as he says I'm "not to stay in a hotel again!" and he has three days off for Songkran (Thai New Year). It's probably the last time I'll be able to afford to go and see him for a long while, so I'm going to take advantage of the opportunity, especially is it'll only have to be the flight I pay for (I'd originally told him I wanted to stay in the same hotel I was in when I last went because I didn't want to put on anyone and I wanted a degree of independance - as well as the rooftop pools, but I didn't mention that bit!).

Apologies that the post's a bit long and if there's any typos I missed, but I still need to give the keyboard a damned good clean!

Oh, I also went to the pics on Monday (after the meeting) and saw Bronson. Too much willy again, except it looked more like an anaemic, uncooked chipolata sausage this time, rather than one that had been in the deep-freeze too long, as in Watchmen!

I finished reading "The Lace Reader", too. I was right - it was a really good book! I'm onto Julie Walter's autobiography, "And That's Another Story" and Andrew Davidson's "The Gargoyle" now.

redundancy, films, books

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