First off, Happy Birthday to
jessleyd and
leenielou!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you both had fantastic days!!!
And now on to my big news, I bought a car this weekend!!! It's a brand new 2008 Dodge Avenger. Now I really have motivation to get my license, which will only be another 2 weeks at the most! After living practically my entire life being told I would never be able to drive, I'm so excited that I'm going to be able to, but it is still so surreal to me.
Also, I got a surprise raise from the Area Manager of our McDonald's today: a 25 cent raise! I now make $8 an hour, and that will increase to $8.25 at the beginning of November after I take Basic Shift Mangement (BSM) classes the 28,29, and 30th of this month. My area manager also did a Manager Evaluation on me, andshe rated me as Excellent. I was actually really surprised! She is also going to start teaching me more responsibilities like how to do the truck order and make schedules and such. I'm excited that I'm finally getting to learn things, but at the same time I'm kind of worried how my store manager is going to react because the area manager hasn't informed her about the raise or anything yet. *whistles*