(no subject)

Apr 07, 2005 14:29

I'm at work. bleh

Yep so I found out last week the baby will be a girl. I'm about 23 weeks right now.Only a few months to go. = )
Someone better throw me a damn baby shower dammit. I love parties in honor of me.
James and I went to the Reds game yesterday. They won of course. Lets hope the new guy stays this good.
I wish the weather would stay nice too. I hate friggin rain. I wanna play outside!!!

Jack's 1st birthday is coming up in a few months. The only thing I really know for sure that I'm getting him is a red wagon. heh. This one I saw at Toys 'R' Us is so cute. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005KBVH/qid=1112899458/sr=2-2/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_2/104-0752806-2629530
Go lookie.= )
I don't know what else to get him besides some clothes. I know I'm gonna plan the party to be outside at a park and stuff. That's about the only thing that I do know of for sure. Any ideas guys? = )
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