
Jul 20, 2006 00:12

Okay. HEre's a rant. What am I ranting? its about life.

Why am I ranting about Life?

Because Life Hates me, that's why.

Here's why.

Things have been going to shit in the last few weeks. One wrong shit after another. IT's like the whole fucking world's against me.

Sure' its all small but hey, it happened.

Here's what happened in this grand ole month of July:

1. My Hard drive partitions crashed, over my stupidity. I lost pretty much everything I had on the hard drive, thankfully it's the laptop's hard drive, not Sapphire the 200 gig hard drive.

2. I got my paycheck on July 15th, it was a large paycheck because I work several extra hours for it. Great, I was happy about it. The plan was to split it in several ways. 150 to Cynthia's parents, for my laptop. 160 to the new laptop hard drive, 50 to my bank, for my bill payments. the paycheck from July 1st and June 15th, COVERED the payments for two of my websites. I also had a nice banking problem in the last week of June that nearly lost me 200 fucking dollars. I also needed to pay back my pay day advanced on June 1st as well, so I had very little money until July 15th. Shit started to happen.

I was also relieved to know that I had a little mroe than 300 dollars away to finally paying off the laptop. Oh God. I so could not wait for that shit to end, its been driving me nuts lately.

I needed to go to the bank, to ask them a few question. I needed to get a pin for my new debit card, and ask them about internet access to my bank account, from their websites. THAT WAY, I CAN USE MY NEW BANK WITH PAY PAL, so I can accept the pending donation, the pending donations needed to be accepted last tuesday, or it will be cancelled. I feel like crap to put it off until that late tha tI actually use dmy own money to pay for the upgrades instead of the donator's help. I was purely pissed. HEre's what happened during my attempt to fix this paypal mess.

Monday. The weather was fine. No storms or anything until later that day. The bank closes at 4pm. further more, I decided to bring my bike with me to campus, in anticipation to go to the bank on my way home, and bike home from there. It would make things so much easy. Most Ideal way. However, The bus fucking decided not to wait for me, so I missed the 2:20 shot. I came back at 3:10. GUESS WHAT, the Bus's BIKE rack was fucking full. I miss the LAST shot I had to go to the bank, so I try again at 3:50, PRAY that the bus would make it to the bank. I was 5 minutes too late, and everyone had already left.

Tuesday. rain. It rained. A LOT. WITH LIGHTNINGS STRIKING THE VERY CAMPUS. IT rained until too late. I had to call my parents to pick me up. Strike fucking two. By the time I got home, the storm cleared up. It felt like someone up there was laughing in my face. Damn it.

Wednesday. IT RAINED AGAIN. I had to call Ashley, and hope that she would pick me  up. I barely made it around 3:30. Situation solved, but guess what, one of my donator's donation was cancelled and sent back, because I Was a day too fucking late, thanks to Rain. Great, Mission accomplished, eh?

3. Last week, On friday, I got a new hard drive on its way over, and I used paypal, that I recently added my new bank account to it. As nice as that was...I jumped the gun, didn't pay attention, and took the money from the wrong bank, the new bank, which had the balance of only 20 dollars, while wachovia had the nice heavy paychck that I have yet to split. Damn it. It put me in a hell of a spot. Thankfully, Bank Cape Coral fixed it, a little. I'm not even sure if that shit was fixed yet. I'm still waiting on answers on that. Dumbass Paypal. When Google comes out with is paypal clone thing, I'm so moving there. Fuck you all. (of course, dumbass me, because I Should've paid more attention, so its more my fault.)

4. This one is the best.

This happened on Tuesday. Storm was a brewing in the sky at 2pm, and I was gonna try to beat the storm, and sit under the tree until a few lightning strikes convince dme not to. My friend, Laura, says I Should wait it out. So, I decided to do that.

2:50 came around, I needed to go to the bank to fix the small mess that I made. The goal was make it there before 4pm. which means 3:10pm stop was the last chance I have to make it to the bank to fix it. I also needed to deposit the money tha tI split from my paycheck.

Earlier that day, I Decided to ride my bike to the transfer center, the bus was already there, so I barely made it on time, so I had few seconds to just quickly lock it up. I was gonna be back at 2pm...approximately.  That didn't happen because of the storm.

I decided to take the east bound bus, and stay on it when it goes west, to cape coral. All I had to do was to swipe the card on the reader again. Simple eh? So, I did that. Most bus drivers hate that, so I have to explain why. He understood. I got off at the transfer center, it was raining like piss, but no lightning, I figured I might as well.

So I got to the Transfer center, and walk to my bike. (Do you see a Deja Vu with This Entry?)


I find my bike, MINUS THE FRONT WHEEL!

In other words, someone decided to steal the front wheel off of my bike. Holy Shit. This happened to me TWICE now.

IT's even more insulting that it happened int he middle of a fucking day, in a fucking public transporation site, where hundreds of people go by every few hours. AND BTW, IT REQUIRED AFUCKING WRENCH TO TAKE THE WHEEL OFF OF MY BIKE. So I'm sitting here, going wtfing on my ass, how is it that no one failed to do a damn thing to a Bum stealing a wheel off of a bike, I mean wtf?

Who in the HELL Would fucking want to steal a wheel. Holy Shit. And THIs happened Twice. Holy fucking Shit. To make matters worse. My dad isn't even fucking helping out. I have to use the money THAT I WAS GOING TO PAY BACK TO CYNTHIA to by a new fucking wheel. I havent' done that, but I am going to have to do that. At this fucking rate, I have to take out a payday advance, AGAIN.

BUT WAIT, there's more. Another issue is that my NEXT paycheck will be small, because of the holiday fucking weekend. I lost 3 days worth of work. 3 days! That's more than 100 dollars.

So, if you've been talking to me in the last few days, and I seem quite pissed off. This is very likely the reason why, and DO expect me to be pissed off for the next few days, until something fantastically good finally happens.

I've been stressed out, I've been pissed off to the max today and yesterday, I've been tired as hell. I need a fucking break from this, Or I am going to fucking kill somebody.
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