Now I know you Gilmore Girls nuts are doing your 7 happy things. And I've also seen the 12 days Meme going around. But because I am quirky and creative (and also doped up on chocolate), I'm doing my own personal version of this, and I hope you won't mind me ripping off your good ideas.
My friend,
truelovepooh , is having a rough week month year. Christmas is going to be rough for her family this year, her dryer just broke, her tire blew, and she can't seem to ever get warm, thanks to all the sickness. And that's just the tip of the iceberg! I can't solve all Pooh's problems, much as it breaks my heart to admit it. But I can do this.
For the next 7 days I'm going to post daily about ways that Pooh makes me happy; what it is about her that makes her such a great friend. And if you reply to this post, I would very much like to tell you what it is about you that makes me happy, too!
The economy sucks, lots of us are out of work, many have suffered the loss of loved ones, and it just seems to have generally been a rough year for a lot of people. So I'm challenging all of y'all on my f-list: Spread the holiday joy around to the people on your f-lists! I'll be interested to see if you can list 7 ways your loved ones bring happiness into your life.
As for me:
I've been around sick people enough in my life to have decided years ago that sickness does one of two things to people: It turns them outward, so that they focus their energy and thoughts on the people around them; or it turns them inward, so that they focus their energy and thoughts on their sickness and pain. Personally, I'm probably in the latter category. When I'm sick, I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't want to be around anyone, and I don't want to be babied or have to baby anyone else.
Stacie is a stark contrast to that. She is definitely one of those rare, amazing people who turn outward when sick. Throughout her illness Pooh's focus has been on her children, her extended family, her friends, and anyone else who crosses her path. When she and I were laid off together, I dreaded calling to tell her the news. I knew that she greatly needed that job and that this was going to have a huge impact on her and her family. But the first thing she said to me was, "Never mind about me, how are YOU doing? Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" I was gobsmacked. But knowing Pooh, there's really no other way that she would've responded.
So Stacie, today I'm thankful for your huge heart and for how you care so much about everyone you encounter, and many you've never met! You're pretty darn awesome.